Eh... Shamus still looks like a gallon of milk wearing undies.
To all the people who are commenting she got bigger...
I feel you, I main Bang in Blazblue. Low tier in CT, top tier in CS (which was annoying since so many people tier whore), and now low tier in CS2 which I'm so happy about.
Oh how I miss my mist finer and glitter is gold combos
A 100" screen? I'm guessing you have a projector.
I believe the 4th cable is for his sound system. Possibly an optical out cable.
I always wanted to get into the persona series. Is it like a standard rpg or what?
Sounds like the same thing that plagued the wii for a while when Brawl launched. People weren't able to play the game due to the wii not being able to read the dual layered disc.
2-1 is honestly the easiest area ever... Actually, the whole area 2 is the easiest ever.
Does this also count for people who just made psn accounts? One of my friends just got his ps3, so just asking.
Besides the obivious
Has there ever been a gay video game hero? Not including Dragon age or fallout.
Hmm... Do you think Nintendo would ever make a pokemon game involving pokemon TCG cards into an AR game?
Demon Souls. Decided to replay it again, and so far I'm doing waaaay better than I did the first time I played it.
...How do you have a star?
Why didn't he just go with the whole RAD system that fallout had?
Heh, an actual RTS.
I'm not trusting anything that was designed by the people who designed the 360... Rather deal with something overheating then dying in less than a month.
I wonder if the kid was playing guilty gear 2 overtude... The only GG game on 360