I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not... The day 1 dlc, I mean.
I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not... The day 1 dlc, I mean.
Honestly, you just need experience. Just get used to losing for a little while, you'll learn what your weakspots are, and learn how to bait them so you can have the advantage.
25 dollars a month for 2gb data... c'mon AT&T, that's just waaay too much.
I thought China only allows knock offs of nintendo products, not the actual product... Case in point, iQue
Ugh, these are the days when I curse my really bad eye sight. I will never be able to pilot one of these in my life...
I thought TSA only applied to airports, not trains.
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: Haha I'm the same way
Big Boss is also sterile since Bikini Atoll.
I already threw away my copy of BlOps for ps3. Hell, I was lagging when I was the host!
The last toy I ever gotten, was a Max Steel action figure (I refuse to call it a doll, because we all know action figures are more manly such as Batman.) for my 14th birthday. I immediately threw it away, and went to play some guilty gear with my batman action figure.
I think I just cried tears of nostalgia. God, I remember playing this when I was 8 or so, it was my first game on the gameboy brick... Didn't know about the whole stealing from the store back then. When I came back into the store, I nearly shat my pants because I wasn't expecting being killed by a god damn laser.
We tournyfags think alike.
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I could never get past the woods, either due to my skill not being high enough or not having a memory pak to save my progress.
Honestly, I think you were the only one who actually got what I was saying.
Something has been bugging me for a while. I'm probably dumb for even asking this... But does life have a difficulty level? My reason for asking this is because I usually see people either breezing through life or struggling just to keep up.
Where the hell is leisure suit larry?!
@GitEmSteveDave♥ Elizabeth Lambert: Mines 6D... add existence to your list.