
...What if I'm using my headset and the phone is my pocket? DOES THAT MEAN I'LL GO STERILE?!

...Hence why my phone has a pattern lock.

@Denvori: I think you're thinking of Twilight Princess, where if you saved in the room where the big cannon is, you can't proceed.

...I think I just threw up a bit by looking at that picture. Thanks Michael...

@Mainman: I bet with all that time he was training in there, I could throw this rock and he'll break it into a million pieces without a sweat.

@thisdood: I'm not sure if this is suppose to be Samus... or a halo character.

...Bruce, if you're reading this.... DROP THIS MOVIE LIKE A BAD HABIT! We all know it will bomb, and we know it might destroy your career! D:

...Now replace alcohol with marijuana.

...Will this hinder my ability to stay afloat in the water?

I think I just E74'ed all over this bitch.

Pretty much sums it up...

You forgot to tag this as #420.

Honestly, I'm gonna buy the game, and I'm hoping it is gonna be great and will provide a good backstory... Since the current one is a bit confusing due to time gaps like if LDK did meet Dante's mom 1000 years ago does that mean dante is over 1000?

For a sec, I thought it was an announcement of a new mystical ninja game.

Man, I'm sad I didn't beat Demon Souls, I got up to 1-5. The boss was really just tossing me around...

...How about you dump this, and make god damn megaman legends 3, CAPCOM! YOU HEARTLESS BITCH!