
Why is megaman flying without the aid of Rush?

...I thought it was due to all the marijuana I've been smoking.

@ClevelandRock: At the beginning of Atlus' Demon's souls, you die.

Now all the biker have to master snaking.

it's not detailed... It needs a hell of a lot more traffic... Also, the subway system.

I'm guessing this Alex Tse dude, is mad that Zynga canceled Street Racers.

@RockSteadyisMyHomeboy: TL;DR version is "I got butthurt because someone doesn't like Linger in Shadows."

That has to be the most stupidest idea ever. What would happen if there's an emergency? I'm sure in a panic, you'll be spending so much time trying to pry your feet out of the floor.

@Jon: Grim Fandango

@Female Orca: You're possibly the only one who had a blast... I, in the other hand, felt cheated.

@Female Orca: Linger In The Shadows should not be considered a game. it's a tech demo.

Oh hey, I didn't know they were making a 3d Portrait of Ruin.

Hopefully they're not stuck with shovelware.

Hey Kume... There's a reason why they didn't give you any credit... Remember the whole DREs the ps2's had? Also remember that whole court case behind it?

Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen better be in this damn game.

The controller's input lag was the only thing that really made me mad about KZ2, and the whole hold down L2 or R2 to crouch... god I hated that.

What about 718?