
Seriously, they should have left it in. Maybe it was due to space limitations they weren't able to put it in....

Why does the fastest thing alive, need a car?

Now lets try playing contra with that.

...Look up, look up, look down look down, look left, look right, look left look right, left eye blink, right eye blink, dual blink and start.

@yandereboat: No commando, sniping actually takes skill, no just depending on killstreaks for rack up kills... also, you don't have to pay if you bought the game on day 1 and have a VIP pass... which came with the game.

@blaaps: A real queen... Not a drag queen.

@BlackYoshi: I kinda do agree with that, since I grew up on battlefield 1942 and was a huge battlefield 2 fan...

I guess the pilot was trying to get the mile high club achievement.

You know... I'm not even gonna bring up on how Bad company 2 is better than Mw2, even though it's true... it's kinda cliche now...

@fuchikoma: Well, I didn't have any problems back in CT playing against JP players. I'm in nyc btw.

@fuchikoma: ..A lot of fans actually imported the JP copy of continuum shift..

"When I was seven -years-old my family and I had a black and gray cat named George Washington."

2d, j.d, land 2b, 623b, straight into daifunka.

@The Sentient Meat: He's talking about after you awaken Akujiki. The sword drains your life if you don't kill something.

@brixish: Lots and lots of coffee and willpower... and the manly power of Bang.

When I first got Blazblue (Calamity Trigger), there was a trophy called carpel tunnel... Play the game for 25 hours... I got that on day 1.