
@lalov1: Teamviewer is the best. You can remote control their PC. Also has a file transfer feature. You don't even have to install it just run it and with the id and random pin you can help them remotely.

double post. ignore this one.

is this show any good? I have saved it in my DVR but I have yet to watch it?

The McRib is nasty crap. Clean and remove the sauce. Then cut and look at this so called meat. It looks nasty and godawful. White nasty mess. This at home sandwich looks a lot more tasty than the nasty McRib.

@Ninja Zombie Dinosaur: Quit believing the propaganda of the tsa. This wont make us any safer. Just take away rights and privacy. This new technology wouldn't have stopped the underwear bomber. Or if they hid a bomb in their rectum.

@Unionhawk: Its not only the privacy concerns but possible health concerns. X-ray radiation can cause cancer and I doubt there have been serious unbiased studies on this subject. We have to fight this. Enough is enough. If you don't fight this in 10-20 years you will have to go through this crap when you go to the

Looks like someone at Gizmodo (Joel Johnson) needs to read this. Instead of unprofessional bitch rant about Gizmodo commenters/readers he should shut up and make good articles not crap. [gizmodo.com]

This isn't the first game that covers an assassination attempt on Fidel Castro. I remember playing the Godfather 2 and that was a mission.

You don't pick up these phones for practically nothing. You need to sign a two year contract and a $36 activation fee.

Caprica was a terribly boring show that sucked by even SyFy standards.

I don't get the advertisement tag. Did WD-40 or Reddit pay gizmodo to run this. I have seen a lot of advertisements masquerading as giz articles.

@Nipple Juice: Nice to see the FBI took my call seriously.

Nice bowl cut Kyle VanHemert

Yeah my favorite notebook is the one that is under a dollar.

@KatsumeBlisk: I didn't say the Chrome adblock extension didn't work But its not as good as the firefox version but I think that will change with time.

You guys forgot to include the most important browser extension of all: Adblock Plus. Its one of the reasons I stick to firefox (chrome has a version of adblock plus but its not as good as the firefox version).

Wow what a great show. I am grateful I was watching the marathon of Zombie movies on AMC this past Sunday or else I would have missed this great show. I thought I was watching a movie when I first saw it. Very high quality TV series. This is the best new show of the fall season.

Read this earlier to day from my NewScientist RSS feed. This study shows a lot of promise and I hope is successful.

Man I can't believe actually this crap McRib is popular with many people that they keep on bringing it back. Nasty taste and nasty mystery meat. See a McRib without the sauce. The cut it in half. [www.foodfacts.info]

wow these scientists are major assholes.