
Isn't a vibranium-steel alloy the strongest material known to man.

big deal not like we are going to use these ICBM missiles/nukes anytime soon.

@(Splat): I guess you are an approved commentator now. i can see it. nice thanks for the pic

thanks for the tip. what i want to know is how to stop these political candidates sending me their crap spammy mailers. Seriously stuffing my mailbox with their crap.

Why is there so much hate on the prequels? They are not as bad as people make it out to be. What I want to see made is a Star Wars movie based on Starkiller.

The hypocrisy by the giz editors here is overwhelming. Seriously after releasing so many post practically begging people to follow you on facebook. Something I never did because if I want to follow giz i will on this site not facebook. Now you are releasing an article to remove this facebook like crap from your

@jarmod: Well you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either they are not legal persons or they are. I don't think they should be and goes against what the intentions of the people behind the 14th amendment.

This would be shocking if it wasn't for the fact that so many other major companies do it.

I hope Microsoft doesn't let the Windows 7 phone app section become like the app section of the Zune HD.

What's wrong with sony erricson. They make some of the best "dumbphones" around. If you are more into the smartphone area then yeah SE is way behind. But don't count them out. Motorola used to make nothing but crappy dumb phones. Now look at them now.

Wow this isn't going to phase many users. I see a workaround or app that will bypass this block coming very soon. The great thing about google tv is that it is very customizable. Something like a user agent switcher will make their embargo a moot point.

seriously does canada not have freedom of speech.

I use [www.flv2mp3.com] Don't let the name fool you it does more than mp3s. I also use the greasemonkey script yousabletubefix to enhance and download youtube videos. I don't use it that much though.

The article on arstechnica is very informative. [arstechnica.com] I like these plans but I hate AT&T's implementation with no unlimited option. These limited plans are good for people who want to get a smartphone but the extra $30 puts them off.

What happens when the thief restores the phone back to factory conditions using itunes. You are basically screwed aren't you.

Wow those cheap nokia phones are the best. They have a long ass battery life. Call quality is great and is very resistant to damage. They might not have a lot of features the new phones have but you don't really need them.

I wanna buy Fallout New Vegas but the new DLC's are putting me off. I would much rather wait until the Game of the Year edition comes out. I don't want to be burned like I did when I got Borderlands.

This is a great device but the cost is too much ($250). Verizon should offer this for customers for free or heavily discounted to people who don't get service at their home.

Meg Whitman just won the Japanese vote.

was this guy also greased up and deaf.