
When I make coffee instead of boiling water I boil milk. I think the coffee tastes better this way.

You could do this or you could ball up the plastic bags and stuff them in a drawer. I find it easier and less time consuming than folding them. Although it looks more messy.

This product is genius. If the price is right I can really see this taking off in the office world.

@clone2727: What are you talking about. Verbatim makes the best blank dvd's out there.

Can you just search for "My Dad Says" and the DVR will be able to find it.

I like both equally. although i use firefox a little bit more. what i like about chrome is the developers version which adds many interesting features.

i wonder what video/audio codecs this device supports. If it doesn't support avi and mkv files it is pretty much useless to me.

Oh that is why Robocop uses that big gun. Overcompensating...

Its a shame how the US agency to protect our food and drug supply is wildly inferior to the EU. I personally don't want to eat genetically modified food because of the unknown factors, possible health consequences, etc.

Have you seen the trip advisor review site for this hotel. The hotel manager/management replies to the negative reviews. However, he is a major dick and douche. I hope this crappy hotel gets more and more negative reviews.

I always knew these Nielsen ratings were pulled out of their asses.

It doesn't matter if we find an earth like planet. We will never be able to go over there since it will be many light years away.

@mrquacker: A better plan would be do everything your plan says but have it go off and blow up in their faces.

@rathat: On stuff like this you should never rely on the internet. End up blowing yourself up to kingdom come. For this you need the experience and knowledge of someone who knows this shit.

@maythetechbewithyou: It most definitely is. Just look at Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Who were executed for giving secrets to the Russians.

Great job Jesus Dias. The picture is so blurry you can't read it making this article completely pointless.

Its not dying but most of the people who want a laptop probably already have one. Most people don't need more than one laptop.

@Flail: I'd understand if it is a completely new software that gives us new features/functionality. But it is a web browser. No reason to not support a web browser. Maybe to use the new IE as a selling point but to me that is BS. I don't use IE but it still is a bitch move. What next windows messenger won't support XP.

@JohnnyricoMC: XP won't die for another ten years. If a computer works and you can't upgrade why would you switch. After all most people use computers for simple things like web browsing, reading emails, and writing papers. There is no reason to upgrade unless you want the latest and greatest OS.

@Insecure Penguin: Guess what I have a older computer. It still works just fine but I can't really upgrade it. I'm not simply going to get another new computer until it breaks. And guess what a web browser isn't a very cpu intensive thing and should be available on all OS. This is just M$ being greedy.