
What pisses me off about Youtube is the VEVO implementation. With VEVO they never bother to upload the videos in 720p HD. Before VEVO many different users uploaded the same music videos in HD. Now they eliminate the user HD videos and now only the VEVO crap non HD videos are left.

@92BuickLeSabre: Maybe his writing style is reflective of New Jersey.

@Romple: Wow. This definitely needs to happen to Snooki and other bitches like her.

@Dwayne Harris: Well trashing New Jersey politicians is the easiest thing to do. Especially when most of them are corrupt

@angstman: that is true. seriously Kyle VanHermert, this crap about some wannabe reality tv "celebrity" isn't newsworthy.

I don't want to defend the idiot guido midget known as Snooki but I don't see the problem with texting/tweeting while driving in gridlock traffic. In fact to me that is the only time you should text/tweet and drive.

How is burning the Qu'ran any different than "Draw Muhammod Day" a couple of months ago? Both are covered under free speech in the first amendment and they both "offend" Muslims.

What I want to know is what type of TV tuner do the people who release tv shows on the internet scene use? They record shows in xvid and x264 (in 720p HD).

Is that the Stig?

pam anderson is way past her prime. another bad move by nokia.

I don't think Craigslist should have bowed down to the pressure. They did more than enough to stop prostitution. In fact they did too much. Manually screen each posting. You know how long that takes. Imagine if youtube manually screened all their videos to check for copyright infringement. They aren't liable for what

@Jack B. Quick (jbq): what is wrong with saying something is "gay". Lighten up. In the context of how i used the word "gay=sucks/lame". Sure it might be a bit juvenile but it accurately describes how i feel about Doctor Who so far. Maybe after watching the episodes that people who replied to my comment recommended my

Man i like most of the sci fi shows posted here except Doctor Who. I can't believe its been on for so long since it sucks. I've only watched a couple episodes of the new season and it sucked. Daleks are the gayest villains/robots ever. Its cheesy and lame.

@treefiftyz: well why post a pic of jersey shore if it had nothing to do with the story other than its a crappy scripted reality show. I never really watched Jersey Shore so i didn't know they didn't have an elimination type thing. They never give a name of a show so you have to make assumptions.

@FrankTheTank: Are you seriously defending crap reality TV shows like Jersey Shore? What is wrong with you?

@Spartanical: you are better off not knowing or watching it. Stupidity is a side effect of watching it. my cousin watches this crap and makes me said for her.

what can you do to help combat against keyloggers. Especially at computer cafe's i'm worried about keyloggers.

@Turkieshooter: yeah but this article says that it is just so small that you can just leave it in. If you are going to have memory constantly connected then yeah you are better off with a portable external hard drive. And if you take it with you to a work computer or library it is so small that you can easily lose it.

@the real david: its a massive conspiracy to kill 3d at home so you have to go to the theater to watch movies in 3D.