
what do they mean final doctor. i thought he couldn't die. or if he did he would be reborn or some crap like that.

@Future Retro: this has already been done. Look at the ipod nano.

none of the shortcuts work for me. i think it might be because i use adblock plus and better gmail add on but not sure.

Really it can't be that hard to come up with a warrant to do all that. It just takes good old fashion police work to come up with the probable cause. This is worrying because if they don't need a warrant then the police or ruling parties in government can track and bug a person who has done nothing wrong but speak out

Someone has been watching way to many science fiction movies. This guy is an idiot who the courts need to ignore. Hopefully the LHC is brought up to full power and they find the elusive mass giving higgs boson particle.

@Justin Rieser: oh so only new iphone customers are screwed.

i have the stock integrated Nvidia graphic card. will this acceleration work or do anything for me.

Come one why do you want anyone including your friends to know where you are. It is stupid. I hate one of friends facebook newsfeed from foursquared. Like i care about every single movement they make from the store, to a theater, etc.

That is impressive. What would have been more impressive is if he stuck his dick in the liquid nitrogen.

@markedward: i knew about that but now you can make calls directly from your computer. not having google call your phone then connecting the call.

If she doesn't want anyone looking at her ass she should put on those short shorts or do those provocative poses in the middle of times square. Although it is pervy of the videographer, he has a legal right to film in a public place.

@JasonKit: if you mean the reputation of being a complete and total dick then yeah

I used to look up to Edison but after reading what he did to Tesla I can't. Dick of 19th century.

now that voice is integrated with gmail i don't really see the point of this software.

wow what idiots. when my system crashes i never send in the report. and i am not even developing malware or viruses.

My good that would suck being miles under the Earth. Imagine the heat, darkness, humidity, and cramped spaces. They should lower a laptop to them, filled with movies/tv shows/videos and music, so they have something to keep them entertained for the 4 months they are going to be down there.

@thekillingtree: Of course its all about the benjamins. However they don't have to be complete greedy assholes and could go the android way. Then again it is M$

@Justin Rieser: yeah but if you are planning on upgrading your phone you are SOL