I mean, come on!
I mean, come on!
I believe the extract is better for seizures.
Monday sucks regardless. Better to eat that frog today than letting it ruin your Friday.
The San Francisco treat of course.
Nope. Who is that? Roni is it?
Personally, I’m hoping for Jon Bernthal to make an appearance.
Gold star, I accidentally on purposed the whole thing
The quest for perfectly ice is older than mankind, a
1. Light Side- It was never referenced in the movies.
This is exactly the sort of thing that would be far better in text format than video. :’(
This is such bullshit.
He OWNS the costume. I think he’s ready.
I'm sorry I skipped the article just to read the comments. What are we talking about and I disagree!!!
It’s an economic theory I soundly prescribe to, when I can, which isn’t often. I am a fan of stuff like this - I used to get a lot of hand-me-downs and things from the flea market that my dad would find (I grew up on the lower end of middle class) and all the fancy stuff really would last forever.
“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.
everyone’s a superhero, everyone’s a captain kirk
Spears are an excellent weapon against an unarmed opponent like a zombie. They would be better with some crossguards, though, like they used to put on bear hunting spears. That way the zombie can’t force its way up the spear to get you if you stab it somewhere other than the head.
I am really excited that after all these years Carl finally learned to stay in the house. So proud of him.
Or Woody Harrelson’s younger brother, perhaps?
This is only slightly related, but your toilet reply reminded me of it.