
Next Movie and Nice Dreams are both ranked way too low - should be #2 and #3.

I disagree and you obviously have not seen the 1974 version with Albert Finney, Ingrid Bergman, Lauren Bacall, Jacqueline Bisset, Martin Balsam, Sean Connery, John Gielgud, Anthony Perkins and Vanessa Redgrave!

How about Ellen Barkin in Animal Kingdom?

In no order:

I agree on the Exorcist and add Quarry to that list.

And Search Party (in my top 10)

It was written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, but delivered by one of the leads. They found out in advance that Pence would be attending.

I've been enjoying Good Girls Revolt on Amazon, as a nice antidote.

GQ sums up my feelings about this show:

After this excruciatingly difficult week, I wanted to keep my pop culture light. I started "Good Girls Revolt" and am enjoying everything about it.

We all have to suffer because of voters like you.

I hope you do not live in a swing state. If you do, there is no excuse for your vote (if you did not want Trump as President).

Damn, what a great show. And I LOVED the perfect use of "O Superman" during the morning scene.

Yes, it was.

Paid Russian troll?

This article made my day (devoted Felt fan for 30 years) - "Primitive Painters", " Crumbling the Antiseptic Beauty" and "Gold Mine Trash" are must listens, along with their tracks from the excellent Cherry Red Records compilations (Pillows and Prayers Volumes 1+2).

Class of '86 also and it was all about Grease the summer it came out.

What a bullsh**t review. Just caught the pilot and loved it. Looking froward to watching more episodes.

that's exactly how it was in high school when Purple Rain came out in 1984. The jocks, the new wavers, skaters, cheerleaders, preps, the vatos: we are all listening and dancing to Prince.