I read the essay this morning. I relate so much I’m physically ill.
I read the essay this morning. I relate so much I’m physically ill.
Managed to defy my low battery:
I just think public opinion was against him from the start. He/his publicist should know known better than to do this after how sexist the response and anger from the last SB performance was, how freely he got away from it, and the (finally) angry atmosphere of the country now regarding sexism. He could have flown in…
No matter what he did, this was always going to be the take. He couldn’t win here. He came out and did what he always does. There was just so much “But Janet Jackson...” happening (and it’s questionable exactly how much that SB performance hurt her career. I think she’s doing just fine). We can have a legitimate…
I hate to do the #NotAllWhiteWomen thing here, and i apologize for stepping on that ground...but my mom is 55, white, and not college educated and especially these past 2 years of statistics have given her such stress and bouts of depression it saddens me. She doesnt understand how the demographic she falls into can…
Glad you said this! I’m Jewish, and Jewish women overwhelming vote Democrat—and Evangelicals don’t tend to listen to Jewish women!! I think it’s important to get specific when we criticize those who vote for these Republican Evangelical assholes. Otherwise it’s too easy to try to hold all white women accountable for…
As you single out the admirable voting record of black women, Jewish women, Latinas, Lesbians (of any ethnicity/faith). Not mentioned here are Muslim and Catholic women, who also tend to vote Democratic.
There is something so disturbing about him, that there has to be a ton of suppressed sexual something going on. It’s not just his anti-LGBT stance, but also the thing about calling his wife “mother” and not allowing himself to ever being alone in a room with a woman. I don’t think that you can trust a man who doesn’t…
Yep. It’s now more of a surprise when they aren’t doing the thing that they campaign against.
I find that the stronger someone’s convictions are about being anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-anything, the more likely they are of engaging in the activity that they are railing against. Against homosexuality? Most likely that person is gay. Care so much about children? Probably voted against every bill that benefits…
built his career as a “family values” Republican and staunch supporter of anti-abortion and anti-LGBT measures
Even when he’s alone, he’s not the sexiest man in the room.
1. Barron’s father
Thank you for your service.
I’ve told this story before and forgive me, will tell it to the day I die. I double finger saluted Pence a few weeks after the election as I stood all by my lonesome on a corner waiting for his Motorcade of Assholery to pass me by so I could finish a run. IT FELT SO GOOD. Now I wish I had mooned him. Mother was with…
Maybe they feel insecure about their relationship with God? He does allegedly have relationships with billions of men and women.
If they're not the most insecure, they're certainly the most nauseating.
The people who brag the most about how #blessed they are are the most insecure in general, not just in relationships, right? It's the whole "lady doth protest too much" thing.