No thanks :). Id rather not play the same game twice and pay through the ass for it. Mario kart again? how many times have a played that. Brawl? I might aswell whip the GC out.
No thanks :). Id rather not play the same game twice and pay through the ass for it. Mario kart again? how many times have a played that. Brawl? I might aswell whip the GC out.
Mario kart again? Super mario galaxy isnt on the Wii U.
Ahh touche! Why didnt Xenoblade come out! Their killing one of their best markets.
@scofield0808: Non HD gives me eyestrain, making a game unplayable. And if i cant read the text, see the enemies or enjoy the scenery the game blows. (See SD screens or the Wii. )
% of the millions that are gamers? + Im talking about the cost of Onlive, which is substantial compared to just buying/renting games the normal way. There are no offers or sales and no bulk discounts or anything.
"Avoid incoming bandits by jumping to your left!"
@eternalbl: If you don't mind a little grey area romming you can download a DS emulator for the PC and play "The World Ends With You" one of teh best 2d RPG's ever made.
@bg-dez: Onlive is expensive and looks pretty shitty in the flesh, plus lugging around an ipad plus a controller Is more expensive and less practical than just buying a Vita.
@SEGAGIGA: Get out.
Wait so we can only have 1 controller per console?
Exactly :D! Wheres the fun in piloting a blackhawk when you can drive it at your teammates.
Everyone should buy this, nothing even compares to how awesome this is, its completely new and is by far going to be the best shooter on the market. Only noobs play this Battlefield mumbo jumbo....Bro.
If they're a significant leap in power and accompanied by great launch titles of course i will. Im not going to buy a low end console (for the timeframe) and wait 3 years for brawl (which isnt even in development yet)
No buttons.
This just makes me want a mini screen for the 360 or PS3. Why would i want to buy a whole new system for one new gimmick :( I damn well hope the Vita is going to have similar uses.
@NicVersus: Perfect.
I think i'd rather just use the Vita with the PS3. It really shouldn't be hard to implement considering we could almost do similar things with remote-play.
And unless PSN is back up in Korea within a week i'm selling my trusty white special edition PS3. Over a week is effort, over 2 weeks is a shame, over a month is fucking ridiculous.
Want people to purchase the system. Launch games with it, real ones. Ones people actually want to play, no one buys a console just to proudly display it in their TV stand. (Well, mostly)