
Trion are awesome! Seriously theres so much content being pumped in over such a short time. Things that would take 6months or more to be put into other MMO's. Really im super picky about MMO's and RIFT's art style really put me off the game, but the gameplay is sooo goood that when i log in i can just expect to have

Isn't this USA only? The one place where the PS3 is selling less than the 360.

A usual day in RIFT.

@Aklost: Thanks redesign. No image uploads for me it seems Q_Q

Ive had the pinwheel of death followed by a stick of ram melting before, (On a 6k Mac pro) ever since then i've been more terrified of OSX.

Content aware fill.

@akruckus: Black prophecy is for you.

@sengin31: black prophecy. Its a space sim MMO released this year, beautiful and I only played in cockpit view.

The console itself is fantastic. Really its just the launch titles are that terrible, i can imagine Its going to hit the big time as soon as 3d dating sim's hit the market.

Meh, a ripped off amusement park is better than no amusement park.

You can see them delivering the 3DS to giant bombs headquarters and its SO awkward! Still Totilo wheres the video?! :(

Just finished watching the quick look over on Giant Bomb, seriously one of the most fun pass the controller things ive seen in a while.

.Implement trashy redesign.

1.Implement trashy redesign.

@bob1105: That would be TERRIBLE! Really have you tried playing anything more than angry birds on an i-device. Its fucking ridiculous to say the least. Inaccurate, sloppy controls hindered by zero tactile feedback and only helped by autoaiming, autodriving tilt control bullshit which is about as accurate as ball

"The A5 chip is going to be an absolute beast for 3D gaming."

I don't think directly ripping off a free game qualifies you for GOTY.

iPad 2 "Built For Gaming".