
Wow decent specs in an ultraportable. I'm impressed, i mean the Macbook Air sure is pretty, but its 3 generations behind this.

@digihead: Wow you don't know anything about computers.

I'm 24 and i used DOS. Am i that old?

For 250$ i could pay someone to run down the street calling everyone noobs.

Was this whole post sarcasm?

The iphone headphones are the biggest piece of shit i've ever used. They sounded terrible and then 1 month down the line one earpiece went silent. The free headphones i got with my old 30£ 3g phone were of a higher quality :S

@cinnamonster: It looks like a laptop. You should applaud rectangles.

@Edgar Ríos: Except specced better than an ants fart.

@crazypills77: You havn't used windows since before xp i take it. Since 7 i wouldn't touch an Apple product with a barge pole, too crashy.

@hostile-17: *facepalm. read the other posts.

@beanperry: *facepalm. Don't be another American army rat, at least show some dignity because your shipped here to work, not to rape girls.

@Mathyc: It seems to work for the macbook air, tonnes of people buy that underpowered piece of shit and it costs more than this.

Can anyone say POS quick enough.

@AlphaIOmega: They arn't over 17 thats for sure. High school even ends at 18-19 anyway.

And $252000000 Imaginary dollars were spent.

Out of curiosity how old are the girls in Love plus supposed to be?