
@benfresh76: I count, RGB pass, SPec pass, Shading pass, lighting

If only innovation was as easy as using microsoft paint.

Out of all my friends that bought it, not a single one of them still play.

@T3rm1n4L: pre production consists of blockouts and concept art, this is a full render thats just terrible.

Thats awful, like incredibly amateur. Computer animation 101 is ashamed that even a dime went into this.

@GameFarmer: Its for the youngens. Unless your under 12 don't touch it.

Battle Royale 3D.

Disappointed kid is disappointed.

Aww i was hoping he was gonna get jailtime.

I'm gonna have 4 happy meals for dinner tonight. Just because i can. XD

They're better off than me :(. They work less hours and get a tonne of amenities Q_Q

@amazingmao: The peripheral department supplements their software, its a minor division in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't make them not the No.1 software company in the world.

@Odin: Yea i don't think stating facts about microsoft or their products goes down well with the apple crowd. Its time to tip our hats and run like the wind.

"plays second fiddle to Apple in music players, smartphones and tablets - consumer technologies that are all changing the face of business."

@TheHawkMirage: Mah, wait it out. Either for the iphone 4s / 5 or one of the dual core androids coming early next year. Also verizon isn't far off.

@RascalkingTK: Thankyou for that. The worst thing is the impact it has on american's in general. I have a couple of American friends that wear canadian flags on their bags so their in no way connected with the armed forces. Its sad, i visited america when i was a kid and have nothing but good memories, but every time

@Stalker: Compared to the 25 seconds it took an Admin to boot them off in 1999.