
@LucasTizma: Maybe. If your characters good looking enough!~ But if you roll a midget or a really giant fat woman, no friends for you b_b.

"As a user, I prefer to sacrifice the superficial and truly horrible customization that all these phones offer—or rather, inflict on the user—in favor of a single approach, like Apple"

Fistbump for anyone who Dl'd steam almost 10 years ago! CS 1.6 healls yeah!

Its easy to program really great starcraft AI. Its collecting the Korean souls thats the hard part.

@D-Bomb: Ops i forgot the source. Thats BBC news.

@Eriamjh: Outside the US i have no idea, we have them on sale everywhere in Korea but they just arn't selling.

"The after-hours selloff may also have been influenced by underwhelming sales of Apple's new tablet computer - the iPad, which came it at just 4.2 million.

@GM_Pax: Awesome reply. And yep i bet my dislike does stem from the art direction.

@GM_Pax: Scalability, It would be nice if they developed higher poly models and higher rez textures but gave those on OSX and lower end systems automatic lower level meshes, its actually easier to implement than building everything in super low poly. They are doing this now, but only with new assets, the old world is

@WillyLo: Tis true, but watch the Cata walkthroughs, the world is just modified, the only improvement in graphics has been the new models and water.

@GM_Pax: Jesus champions online was a laggfest too, not only was it buggy as hell but the latency was awful.

@PajamaSam: And they are luckily XD i cant wait to see what it is, its supposed to be a new IP.

@tonyp21: He does ill admit that for sure.

@Yamato: Yep thats what happened to me, quad, 8600 dual sli and 4 gig of DDR3. 30fps in bloody naxx.

@Andy Mesa: It has ridiculously low specs for the price. Like 2006 threw up inside it. I cannot run any programs on hardware that cheap. A 500$ laptop will easily surpass it.

Looks at cinematic.

@Andy Mesa: I have my main rig for most of the work. The laptops just for presentations. Also most of the 3rd party programs i use are Windows/Linux only, and DirectX is a must have.