
@Ben Nadler: It ran very poorly and on windows boot. Once you take in the conversion over to Open gl it would be even worse.

@Samuel James Reha: GTA IV wouldnt run on anything but the $7k Mac pro, They just don't have the graphics cards for it. (The custom order Mac pro at 7k is the only one with a modern graphics option, dual sli 260's)

@MisterMumbles: Buy it, i promise you its the best purchase you'll ever make. The free sandbox mode was boring as hell!

"Happy to have helped!"

What you see here people, is the FREE version of the game. The real full version is a completely different game, its amazing.

@infinitezero: Suprisingly this isn't racist, its true.

Bah it was an experiment, i'm sure it didn't cost the company much to try this little venture and i'm sure they gained a tonne of insight into the market, although why they didn't just ask i'm not sure.

@Effin' Eh: Unreal, Cs, HL, TF2, TF, Cs:s, All RTS strategy games, (that ive played at least) Red orchestra. O god seriously i cant remember every game i've ever played but its pretty safe to say this only really started happening alot since the 360 and the MW acti whoring.

@Marci Hawkins: Why can't you use UMD's while hacked? My hacked PSP and everyone else i know on D2, their UMD's work fine.

Why couldn't this be a full game?! A new BF Vietnam would have been great, I'm still excited and all but if its more than 10$ they won't be getting a sale. (Because i still remember when maps were Free, you youngens!).

@Eye of Fatima: Apple don't sell a machine powerful enough. The only Mac currently out that rivals my sub 1000$ machine is the Mac pro (custom, you have to call them to get even semi decent cards) and it runs 7000$. If your an everyday media consumer i guess a mac's okay, but these days for video editing, 3d and

@Ciraa: I have to agree, but i wouldn't ever say it to his family. It makes his death a little more managable if you believe his last actions were to save his family.

@sarindipity: Heres one thats a bit better priced.

These are work in progress shots right?

Just a day's work went into this?

@dolph0291: iTunes, App store approval process, lack of removable battery/SD etc. No External device attachment, USB etc. Tethering, extremely limited functionality on the device itself (remember we only recently got wallpaper ffs).

@baneyu: Ive been trying to say this for a while. There are PMP's out there which blow the ipad out of the water in specs and features. I'm not sure why PMP's arnt as popular in western countries. Touchscreen, USB, HDMI ect, incredibly high rez, long life batteries and some can even dual boot a full OS like XP. Maybe