
@InnerRayg: It was dark humor at best. It was never "goofy" :S

Ill be really honest. This ruins the whole mysterious death laboratory that Portal has going on. Two bad ass robots thumping fists and looking cocky? What the hell. Really yea i know it'll be fun but, ergh. I've got a feeling the atmosphere is going to pot.

Thats a really nice job, are the leds powered by the mainboard or a battery pack?

Take out a large bowl and fill with a basic flash game, stir in zero teaspoons of story and a dash of elementary school art skills. Add delusions of grandeur and more money than sense.

Blizzard do a good job, but never a great one. Everything is very formulaic and their use of exaggeration in both character and environmental pieces is simple at best: Take Human, bulge proportions, emphasis on emphatic extremities such as the hands and head.

If it's the same as the picture with the white border and pink rim i'll pick it up in a second. The ability to be a media creator rather than consumer just puts a more flexible OS like this at the top of my must have list.

@Lord Byte: Two replies with almost the same info. I now understand perfectly, its so strange i've never heard of anyone playing this before :S And i'm an avid PC gamer!

@hoeney: Thanks for the reply! Is there multiplayer?

@Cabamacadaf: Ill check steam! How old are they?

@Azel: Best idea:

I can not for the life of me understand how this game works? Diablo with Civ, RTS and PVP RPG? WHAT IS GOING ON!?!

This looks awesome.

@Hunter.Wolf: At least there is some major soft focus.

@bonghammer: Play as 1 of 10, not very unique characters. Buy assualt rifles that add +10 mana regen :P

@Xeo: Play tank classes. :D i sucked for agees until i realised that DPS classes arn't really the games powerhouses. Annie and Ryze withstanding.

@Foxith: My mistake. yea i know its not dead :). And its a great idea but some part of me wishes they'd just buy LOL. LOL plus Valve = pure awesome.

@TC-man: Nope you can't do that in most cases. Unless you use a proxy and have another countries method of payment.

You pervs are crashing the images. Share the wealth, 5 minutes each should be enough.

No one should be releasing a game entitled DotA, that right belongs to the original WC3 mod, everything else is part of the DotA genre and should be named appropriately, LoL and HoN are perfect examples. Maybe Valve should be trademarking Legends of Valve or Defense of the combine, but not the original name itself.