
@GGear0323: High five! But don't you come to MY CORNER!

@BoxOfScraps: I'm like superman, I reflect infrared? (shhh smartass :P)

Truly an awesome party experience...

@VicariousShaner: Back before garry'ws mod was steam he banned the entire forum because one guy didnt use a punctuation mark.

If you include spouts of sleep i did a 4 day Wowathon back when i played, 3 guys crammed into one room, 5 PC's and one overheating laptop. It was gross, it stank and it was baking hot. But it was awesome.

@VicariousShaner: Ops thats new then, last he was asked he said "no bloody way".

Can i install Zbrush?

Right click?

@Gators15: This can also be used for any graphic's program ever made. And costs half the price of a lesser Mac pro. What's your point again?

@HK-47: The same reason powerpuff girls and office furniture porn exists. People are honestly screwed up.

I just internet slapped him...The picture, it was just asking for it.

@Stomp1: However much you sound like a grumpy bastard, you speak the truth.

@Damien Lavizzo: There we go tho, mining for me just wasnt fun. I guess i could have mined to pay for the subscription but jesus thats getting close to a second job.

@metronome49: Did they fix it yet? Im not sure if changing the bar graphics and giving out bumpers really counts. :p

@Lee Gibson: Still no decent cards, yea we saw that, everyone was expecting a half decent mac pro. Its god fucking awful.

@Sprinsky: I do believe Gary said No.

First: Jobs needs to use quality graphics cards, the dual sli Mac-Pro (enough for BFBC2) Runs $7k last i called Apple. The M cards in the imac series destroy any chance of gaming on the 22inch and Macbook's are still running 2006 M cards :(. Lastweeks refresh updated the CPU's but dear god the cards are still

@Thorax: It's great that blizzard optimise their games so theyll run on a Mac, but as to the driver issues on a Desktop theyre either automatic or come along with every game you install. Laptops are not expected to have their drivers updated.

A note to others regarding Starcraft 2.

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