
@zuagamer: Yea i noticed the fake-ish skin shader that just looks like a blinn. And yes i've played both of them, Age of Conan is just wierd, it's like its trying to be high end but the animations are gawful. Everquest 2 looked pretty but i couldnt deal with furries ;P.

@invictus2006: How else are you going to splurge on the screen?

I believe you can use a dualshock instead of the navigation controller.

Finally i got the fire upgrade.

I call Shenanigans! You can't play that thing sitting down.

@Odin: assembling them is the easy part. Spraying, coating, touching up and decals take weeks :(

I'm sorry but that is god damn awful, how disappointed were you Luke?

You know how graphics arn't everything. Well... I'm sorry but once you go FF14 it's really hard to go back to this.


@brundlefly76: I've got nothing against "fools" buying overpriced tools for the workplace tho, it makes competition just that little bit easier :P

@pricekx: They will never remove the content but they can change listings after a group of people manipulate search results.

"Fun times, and something I wouldn't be at all surprised to see end up in the Mac Pro someday. "

@frigg: Harvesting doesn't destroy the plant is my understanding of it. Of course in modern farming that doesn't really work.

Now thats cool.

He had a video conversation over the internet! Did Jobs just invent a time machine too? because i'm getting a real sense that we've magically been transported back to before 2006.