Where in the rule book did you get that impression that fourth down made you the defense?
Where in the rule book did you get that impression that fourth down made you the defense?
By extension, the team kneeling down to run out the clock and end the game would be on defense, even though they have the ball, can move the ball, and maintain possession of the ball...which is the basic definition of “being on offense.”
no, you are absolutely wrong. Once the ball is kicked beyond the line of scrimmage, off and def sides change. If it is blocked and does not cross the line of scrimmage it can be advanced by the kicking team. This is for any down. A team can punt on first down if they choose to. Just like a missed field goal changes…
while a team with the ball on fourth down is effectively the defensive team from the moment the ball is snapped
Yep. Should expect nothing else from the douche Harbaugh.
the referees could have called a penalty for a “palpably unfair act” which would have extended the game
This is the same team that was bitching about the Patriots exploiting the rule book right??
Nothing wrong here. Jokes are fun. Lighten up you fucking puritans.
We beat our heated rival in a double OT game which pretty much seals our trip to the playoffs. If you don’t get why people stormed the field, your age isn’t the problem.
? Did Antonio Brown buy stock in Deadspin?
“Don’t do that. They still get pregnant in the air.”
Cursing everyone else out is OK (and funny!) as long as they don’t call someone a c***? An odd line to draw...
The leader of North Korea. Read a book.
call me a highlight truther all you want but that’s fucking travelling.
RG3 is a running QB who is made of spun glass and falls like a sack of potatoes. Running QBs in general are good for 2 seasons max, RG3 was actually good for maybe half a season.
I don’t know about his QB skills, but I watched that interview NBC did with him. He has some creepy lips that are oddly wormlike, but do not move when he talks. They seem frozen in a fake smile while he talks.
the browns need a new qb
I like how a while back the only reason that someone would think Cousins was a good choice for Washington was racism. It’s not like he’s actually a better QB than RG3 or anything...
Was inspired to try this approach with my boss this morning. Do not recommend.