
I don't know what they'll do, but I guess you'll have to find some other articles to comment on.

One comment about math being hard doesn’t make her a ditz. You can still be smart/intelligent and find math to be difficult.

Right? Barbie was an astronaut, a veterinarian, and a business woman who didn’t work in an MLM. And that was over 30 years ago.

When has Barbie ever been portrayed as a ditz?  I’m in my 40's, and she’s always been portrayed as intelligent.

I’m thrilled the teaser doesn’t reveal plot points. It’s about time.

you know, its almost as if the article was about him recognizing his mistake and not repeating it. weird

Brittany Murphy was really underrated as an actress and her death still bums me out. She just seemed like a nice person who had been/was going through some shit. I feel similarly about Amy Winehouse.

Now playing

A bit OT, but Mother Teresa was a monster who believed that those under her care should suffer instead of receiving care that could have eased their pain, or even saved their lives. She was also not a real mother. I would not listen to that evil woman’s views on abortion (which are similarly warped by religious dogma

Good. The way trailers should be.

Has it been 13 years? Jesus Christ

Isn’t this when you simply give the student an F and tell them to make an appointment to discuss it during office hours?

They are so use to being absolved of or buying themselves out of the criminal justice system they can’t understand why it doesn’t work for public opinion too.

All they did was bitch about inflation and of course, it’s not even a priority for them. 

Seriously, Chancellor Elwood Robinson? What kind of bullshit is this? As a black man, you cannot sit highly on a policy of “arrest first; sort it out later” when you’ve got cops on a white woman’s speed dial. The open ability to abuse that system, destroy student/teacher relations, and put young adults into incredibly

Republicans spending all their time on shit that doesn’t matter and/or just being actively evil? What a shock. 

The Biden administration did not demand Twitter censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

That’s rich coming from the people who love to ban books.

You have to be major league tone deaf to announce your plans to combat “big tech censorship” the night after Elon Musk banned a dozen major, left-leaning journalists from Twitter without an ounce of explanation.

Yeah, I’m struggling to wrap my head around what this bullshit achieves for them.

she had the option to “reverse” the abortion through a special pill