You only think that bc you’re deeply stupid.
You only think that bc you’re deeply stupid.
I think it’s pretty damn funny.
Poser list? JFC.
Ever consider that it’s fun watching you guys piss yourselves silly?
Where do you think you’re commenting right now?
Wow what the fuck man.
The start strong, fizzle out has been there since season 3. I’m still going to watch though. I love schlock.
I find Billy on the Street hilarious but I can only watch about 5 minutes at a time.
It’s not an uncommon feeling. Animals are innocents. A human in a horror movie usually put them self there.
I get the feeling Peterson can’t even cancel his Netflix subscription. We’ll be fine.
Actually most feminists agree that women can be all those things or none of them as long as she’s the one calling the shots. Motherhood and homemaking for a husband who doesn’t respect you is life sucking. Having a partner who sees you as a full human and who recognizes your value in the relationship is what most…
Because there’s pretty much always going to be some guy (even if himself a reject) who’s willing to associate with her. Yet she’ll still reject him.
TwErKiNg Is NoT ePoWeRmEnT
No. Remind people every chance you get. Fuck those slave owners.
When she was fired and replaced with Lee Remmick Dean quit the film, saying “I signed on to do a picture with Marilyn. I’m not doing it without her.” It seems like he had real affection for her.
I hate that I hate Bus Stop as much as I do. Marilyn is magnetic while Don Murray is like a bull in a China shop. I get why his character is the way he is, but that doesn’t mean I want to watch him.
Even when people have evidence of their rapes, even when the rapists admit it, even when it’s on fucking video, victims are treated like shit. Just stop. Stop replying to me with this bad faith bullshit.
Because most women don’t want to go thru the bullshit of reporting it. Look at how women who report being assaulted are treated. I swear, some of you think all a woman has to do is walk into a police station to report an assault and they’re handed a giant check. Just think it thru for a few minutes before you ask…
Most people are more comfortable talking about themselves. Jesus are you ever not completely fucking miserable?