
Russian troll farms pay pretty good huh?

If they’re people like you then who gives a tin shit?

It’s been years since I read it and I still don’t know how I feel about it. The ambiguity was maddening at times. It seems like people either love or hate Tremblay, same with M. Night, so I’m definitely intrigued. 

I don’t get the name change. Knock at the Cabin sounds so clunky. 

*Weight. You could at least use the correct spelling while you get your dick in a twist.

Hollywood execs might not be incels in name but they have a lot in common. 

You are one angry virgin. 

And the chuds in the comments are only proving her point.

You were so close. You actually had the point right there and chose to ignore it. 

Yeah that’s not what she’s saying. She’s lamenting the fact that, for certain people, the work she did on a project she feels deeply about is going to devolve into nothing more than “hehe boobs”. Look at the last reply made to you if you have any doubt. 

Pugh is bothered by a relationship between the director and an actor of the movie she’s working on. You make it sound like she’s nosing in on their business when they’ve made their business front and center and everyone else’s problem. 

Man it’s a shame Bernsen didn’t play Homelander’s dad on The Boys. I never realized how much they look alike. 

Feel free to leave it and take your transphobic buddies with you. 

Fuck off. 

That is a broad brush you’re using there.

Don’t reply to me. 

Love the Duvall comparison. 

Grow up and watch whatever the fuck you want bro. Grow up and stop worrying about what other people are watching. 

Actors answer questions in an interview and some of these motherfuckers act like the actor did a press conference in their front yard. This pop culture site sure is popular with people who hate pop culture.

Your mom asking about your day and an actor being asked about his role preparation on a talk show are not the same things.