Hello, operator? I’d like to report a FREAKIN FIVE-ALARM FIRE!
Hello, operator? I’d like to report a FREAKIN FIVE-ALARM FIRE!
Just two weeks after announcing their plans to “open a new global operations center” in Charlotte, NC that would…
Wow. Just wow. These fucking guys. You know how history looks at Joseph McCarthy in scorn? Welcome to the club you god damned shitlords.
I love that The Donald doesn’t understand what parody means.
Why does anyone even care. These people are boring, stupid, and herpetic. And if they really think anyone cares about what dicks they have and haven’t seen, that just illustrates how innately delusional and awful they are.
I’m willing to bet that Pauly Shore is probably not a good representative of “white men”.
In one of the absolute worst takes I’ve ever seen in my life, Alyssa Rosenberg at the Washington Post wrote a piece…