
But dude, it looks like a happy shark from the side.

Your math teacher probably grew up in an era where Astronauts were still being hired.

Well, it is new. Maybe they're just sharing.

Well now you know why UV light is bad for them.

This is contemporary minimalist porn. The first one makes me excited in all the right ways.

I'm not seeing this renaissance you speak of. Pointing out how Sony makes some nice things, while at the end of the article - pointing out how they charge a hefty premium for it - proves my point.

He got himself into this situation by not paying attention, but you seem to have missed the point entirely: to be in this situation to begin with is completely absurd. He is not using up a limited resource by downloading more. He is using a service which has limited capacity.

Bitcaps and UBB are the result of crappy competition, and shitty regulation. None of these things would exist in a competitive market. As such, most places have a duopoly (phone or cable). The only way to mitigate abuses like the two I mentioned (in addition to net neutrality violations) is to have strong regulations

Quite optimistic, but very unfounded. There is a clear dichotomy between what NASA and space-lovers (such as myself) want to see happen, and what reality allows for. We will see at least a decade of Soyuz style rocket launches into LEO for human space travel, and the most impressive missions will be unmanned ones.

@lavardera: They learned their lesson. Solar panels suck when you have dust storms about. That may have been fine for the previous rovers, but anything this beefy is going to consume real power.

This is spot on. People are basically prejudiced (naturally) against anything different from them. Obviously most people aren't going to agree with a minority and incredible niche set of fetishes. But that's why they are such outliers, and that alone implies nothing. You can talk about morality until you are blue in

Rationally speaking, there is a greater likelihood of there being a giant invisible teapot shaped spaceship orbiting Mars, that is downloading our brains for storage and archival the moment we die than there being God, Heaven and Hell in the biblical sense. However, you don't see that many people freaking out about

I've never used AIM or MSN. The last IM client I bothered with was ICQ. :/

Well, I'll be the first to admit that Japanese culture probably had more of an impact on me than anything America ever produced outside of hollywood movies. As a kid I grew up on Nintendo, and then later got into anime. Then later still, discovered some pretty good electronica and dnb. Meanwhile, I haven't touched

I curse upon cursive. Time consuming shit that adds complexity where there should be none.

Doesn't Android 3.0 / Honeycomb support full system encryption? Like, complete encryption of the memory/storage address space?

@McMike: I doubt wetness would destroy the NAND inside the phone. It would stop it from working yes, but the bits would still be there. If they really wanted your data, they could still get it.

The normal mapping still sucks, and none of the lighting or shadowing aside from the character is dynamic. The bokeh is all cinematic and stuff, but they just use it to hide the things they dont want you to see - same with depth of field. The motion blur when he picks up stuff is also pretty horrible.

Starcraft singleplayer is boring and always will be. The story is a unique amalgamation of sci-fi cliches borrowed from a dozen sources, and while it is unique its hardly original and fresh. And I thought the same twelve years ago when I was just a teenager playing the original.

I tried to play and love the original on PC, but damn, it was nothing like Tribes :(