
@CCM333: He says 262 knots in the video, the article says 260, rounding down I guess. So yeah they broke 300.

The CCP one is the only one on the list I can easily disagree with. Your premise is that its too different and challenging to pull off, but at the same time you argue other companies are going to fail for fighting the wars of years past.

I came for the 8-bit, I stayed for the hot pants.

@iPat0723: And lots of dust will make a beautiful nebula, or combine to form asteroids and planetoids.

@elSpanielo: Key word of the day: Earth-like

I have no idea what this article is about.

@2NinjasTapedTogether: Do you, or do you not deny that it is, in fact, a very large telescope?

I thought for a moment Apple was selling the ipod for $17.. oh boy. That would've gotten me excited. A nylon wrist strap for $17? Not even close, you can buy those for $2 if you know where to look.

Wow, cats acting like cats.

@Leanid: Yeah, seriously. Fuck that Banshee mission. I thought it was harder and more annoying than any other in the campaign. The final mission was a joke by comparison.

@GtheMVP99: Prissymoufs is what I call it, but yeah, instant boner kill. I don't care how hot they are or how many cups will fit into that bosom.

Hopefully its going to play more like Tribes, and less like WoW.

I'm sure EA just scored a lot more sales to this sort of advertising than they lost.

@Charliehorse: It doesn't really look like a relic. Even more modern fighters are full of dials and switches. The major difference is a big digital console in the center. Besides, MiG-29s will still kick the ass of most nations' aircraft.

@jaktheking: I don't think you'll find many people on this site getting butthurt over that. At best, people find it funny that some will buy into pretty much anything if there is a reward attached.

Those screens better be dirt cheap as hell in 2014 if they're wasting so many pixels on pointless minimalist typography.

@jayntampa: I like the cut of your jib, son.

@Fredy04: We may not have to, but lets face it.. most of us would still want to.

@Dave Bunting: Butthurt aside, why would hippies make any beer related claims? Of all the general insults you could've used, that one seems pretty wank.