
@Nick: A badum tish was never so desperately needed.

@Potentaint: Oh dear. The Internet is surely a difficult place to thrive with no sense of humour.

Social networking? Do the plebs still do that these days?

I have strange parents. They had no interest in what I was playing as a ten year old (hint: Mortal Kombat, Doom II, Duke Nukem, etc); or watching on TV/film for that matter. But as I got older they started to take more offense to it - as if video games are for children and something to be discarded in adulthood.

@iamnotavuvuzelafish: Ehh.. that's a hypothetical problem (men lying about taking birth control pills), modeled off a real one (women lying about taking birth control pills).

The best thing Microsoft could do for PC gaming?

Yeah the Samsung looks pretty good here. I think the SE beats it in a few screens, but that might be the UI colors or something that give other parts higher contrast. Given the general superiority of image quality at the same resolution and the power savings, I'd take the Super AMOLED with this bit of difference

@Marand: Yeah, I've known about that for years. They're already sampling Llano to OEMs. Launch in early 2011. Although they're not much more powerful than current integrated graphics - or more realistically, they're probably the same.

@Marand: well, I'm not trying to make a case for streamed gaming. I actually prefer this didn't get popular, specifically because it may cause a stagnation of massively parallel hardware sales (gpus), which means fewer developers have the incentive to explore their uses in standard applications.

@AwokeKnowing: Well, I'm saying that once the service is stable and in full swing, a publisher may opt to release it only on the OnLive platform. If the code never leaves some central server, the game can't be pirated. Its the same as MMOs.

Over time, connections will get faster and the lousy compression artifacts will get fixed.

I started with Hotmail back before it was owned by MS. Unfortunately, I got to gmail too late and by then my name was somehow taken. Which is absurd since I have a pretty rare combination of firstname and lastname.

Could be worse. You could be in Canada. Three incumbent oligopolists control 95%+ of the market - and there are usually only two options in any province.

@tzaken: Get laser eye surgery? :\

It doesn't require you to be the inventor of cell phones to say this. Aside from the first iPhone, there isn't much they can improve on (like finger based input) that will make people reconsider a certain technology as more than a novelty. In other words, its all incremental and refinement, none of which would yield

If you want real oil porn, watch The Fountain.

That was great. I'll take this pseudo-realistic over straight up fantasy any day (at least for live action).