
The skills I had when I was 13 were decidedly different.

If you don't look too carefully, that image looks like a Nexus thats about to get owned by Zerglings.

Doesn't look that great. Maybe the HDAO in the buildings of the first shot, and whatever shader they've got on the glass in the second - the rest is average.

@Etheris: It appears the consumer-inconveniencing DRM they put in one of their older titles has come back to inconvenience them.

@Killer Toilet: Japan has had 3G for ages now, and their cell penetration/capabilities are pretty good too. Over there, some kids might have cell phones before computers. And even if they do have computers, the cell is more private and less likely to be monitored/shared by the family. There are novels, comics and

STO is an IP cash grab, nothing more. I don't normally judge people for playing whatever makes them happy, but the people who thought otherwise are complete fools.

@FarmboyinJapan: Eh? Manabi Straight was probably not the first, but it came before. And thats not counting all those sparkly doe-eyed magical girl shoujos.

Looks like a grouper to me.

I'm currently looking to ditch tv for my parents. They just raised the rates today. $65 a month for maybe 100 channels, most of them crap, and then like 300 music or timeshifted news channels.

The server, she is on fire!

I was mentioning last night how butthurt I still am over having my copy of Wing Commander for the SNES stolen. Your post is rubbing just rubbing salt on it :(

@Nintendo Tim: I know, I'm doing such a project now. But you really can't get far if your program doesn't teach you solid technical skills. My opinion on that front is - even from the programs that do focus on those hard skills, they could be better. But I would probably say that of comp-sci too. There is just so much

The problem with games "design" is that it doesn't build any specific skill. It teaches you a process that anyone can be taught in short time, then fills in the rest with some dabbling in programming, audio, graphics, etc that isn't enough to pursue a position in any of those fields. Plus, it doesn't teach you

None of the games with this new ridiculous DRM were that appealing to begin with. Mainly because they're developed with the consoles in mind and the PC version is just higher res textures.

@Berzerk: Until they've already made you a ton of money, that is. :3

Its like Ubisoft went all "Activision is the new EA? We'll see about that". And Activision was like, "EA? EA IS SO 2006 LOL" then went all Modern Legal Warfare on itself over the couch change. Meanwhile EA is like "Guys? Hey guys.." but no one noticed because SUDDENLY, SHARK PORN.

Whether its one time activation, or a per-game registration system, this will have absolutely zero impact on piracy of SC2. Which of course, will be legendary.

@Quilt: I've been up 36hrs because of gaming. At around the 28 hour mark you stop feeling tired, you just feel numb, and past 32 hours your hearing starts throttling (which is just your brain skipping over certain words entirely). You get irritable, and paranoid of going to bed even. Towards the end it feels like your