why can’t you read
why can’t you read
So this is what Canadians get worked up about when they don’t have playoff hockey.
sorry, can’t hear you over all this freedom, and high fructose corn syrup
It’s not a real country, anyways...
My first reaction to reading the headline was, “Well, he must not be very good if they dismissed him immediately.” Nice try Jimbo but your program is still a big time problem for the women of Florida.
Dismissed after the charges, but probably because
Am I the only person confused by Deadspin’s usage of the word “dong” this season? It hasn’t always been this way, has it?
“This is a title IX sport and and they’re making up a false investigation”
The formatting of that letter alone warrants an investigation.
Let our coaches coach us! That’s why we came here!
It’s not that they’re supporting their coach, it’s that they’re whining about being told they don’t have any say in who their coach is and protesting and investigation into who even knows what. Do you really think any school is gonna not investigate any potential wrong doing just because it might upset a few players…
Except they don’t have any say in who their coach is. No college athlete does. Don’t like who you’re playing for then transfer. Also literally nobody in the school’s administration cares because softball isn’t generating the revenue that football is.
Wouldn’t it have been simpler to just PhotoShop the original picture?
“Do as I say, not as I do” has pretty much summed up the relationship between older and younger people for about 10,000 years or so.
It’s crazy to me about the double standard people hold for athletes. A kid tweets out something stupid and it’s “Character concerns” and “maturity issues.” A full grown man tweets out some piss baby rant and it’s “Kids these days need to toughen up!”
Al Horford added that his team “wouldn’t do anything like that,”
It is a little too late for the Hawks to start getting defensive about Game 2.
Players who don’t play a lot still contribute. Practice is important regardless of what AI said. He also was a special teams regular iirc
Interesting rules note on this play: the runner on first base gets second base automatically since Drury was out of the field of play when he made his throw.
are ponytails a thing?