
Oh shut the fuck up you faggot ass punter.

I know it is a different time, but I think what is said on the ice, should stay on the ice. Should he have chosen a different word? Sure, but honestly it doesn’t matter at all. Too many sensitivity meters are running at 99%. A hockey rink is not your cubicle.

Yeah, Philly fans have killed rival fans as well after games. He’s full of shit.

Historically bad is still historic.

“Yes. Joe Flacco is elite.”

You are just the worst type of person.

Good riddance? He’s the best thing to happen to MMA in ages you clown, love him or hate him his entertainment value is off the charts

This seems to be the least likely of all the possible scenarios.

1. He could be fired for bigotry, insensitivity, hurting ESPN’s brand, actively going against ESPN’s own interests (e.g. again, insulting trans people while working for a network that has awarded a trans woman for courage), etc.

I didn’t feel that bad until I saw the security guard took the ball back. That’s just a kick in the dick.

The theatre: where fans are deliberately placed to where they can potentially interfere with the play.... then get kicked out of the theatre for interfering with the play, as if the possibility of it happening never even occurred to anyone before.

In high school, I umped little league for some extra cash. Not once did I have a problem with a kid arguing a call. It was always coaches/parents who thought their kid was about 5 years from being the first 17 year old to win Rookie-of-the-year and MVP in same season.

Adequate throw, unbelievable tag.

He was out only because he decided it was better to hit the base with his back leg instead of being safe by a mile with his front leg.

Yeah, the tag was the best part of that play.

7-11 and 9-11 are two very different issues involving Saudis overstaying their visas.

Ohh I get it!! Everyone has to agree w you or they work in a fast food restaurant!!

You sound mad. Are you mad? Perhaps you could have one of these thrilling flags for your state:

Mississippi - last in education, last in per capita income, last to learn the Confederacy lost.

You’ve officially lost all credibility on commenting on appearances of anything. The Maryland flag is God’s gift to fabric.