
That honor may soon be Kanye

Yeah that’s nice and all Angelina— but it would have been better if she spoke out about her father aiding Trump.

Ugh that is so racist I don’t even know where to begin. Also news flash Chris Brown— you’re both men of color and Trump hates you both so stop abusing women and maybe be an ally to fellow black & brown people.

These are good points. I’ll think on this.

Good points all around—- can we make a round up of those who did?

Can someone get him on camera doing something bad so we can impeach him already?!?! Throw him in jail even #LOCKHIMUP

That’s my concern- we have so many more marhes ahead of us.

Ugh those guys are the worst. I used to think it was a good thing but clearly they are corrupt too

I’m with you

All the way

Honestly if that’s the case, I’d rather her be silent than openly pro trump

I’m not surprised she’s more about surface girl power.

Ah that bums me out. RiRi showed at least!

Aka Taylor Keeping it on brand and safe Swift.

Is there a list of who did and didn’t?


I wish I could pay them to follow him and do this all the time

Hell yes!!!!!

I’m glad he is there but I did wince at “you guys” calling women his angels and that he women have to be announced by a man. That said knowing his situation and age I understand this was a nice thing. Also fuck you Trump.