
Yeah, he definitely won the Emmy and the gold definitely got back to KL. The mistakes are starting to bug me, largely because I rarely see corrections, and the mistakes are things like Sapochnik winning an Emmy for Battle of the Bastards, i.e. things that are easily verifiable w/o much effort, and not things that are

I’m actually okay with this, my reason being that it will be a lot easier to scrub him from history if he doesn’t leave a greasy aquavelva scented stain in the oval office. I worry it would just seep into the walls, the floors, the furniture, the very foundation.


If he crashed a random wedding that was not on one of his properties, he would run a good 60% chance, at least, of being asked to kindly fuck off. These appearances are to make him feel good, not the bridal couple.

Sounds like you already know what you should do! If it means a move (STRESSFUL) and jobs/school but like being near people who know you best? Worth it. Plus if you go Spawn Route, you’re near free babysitting and other people you like that you can make mom friends with.

Would you consider moving somewhere smaller and quieter on the West Coast? I just moved from a Big City that was just getting too ridiculous to a medium-sized college town. It really made a difference in my stress levels and I am glad I made the move. I can easily see someone going to school and having a child too,

I chose to finish grad school first. Or, the benevolent universe chose for me. Six months after I got my masters, our beautiful baby girl arrived from her orphanage in India.

Kids also have a way of shifting priorities into focus. You start getting pretty purposeful about where you put your attention, in part because you’re way more sensitive to not wasting time, short or long term. I got much sharper about what I wanted and how to get what I wanted (and much better able to get what I

Take the GRE. I just took it today! It’s not that hard and it lasts for five years. I recommend the “5 lb book of practice problems.”

I am the mom of 3 who are all grown up now. I tortured myself as to how to raise them the way I wanted and my law career. All I can really say to you is don’t torture yourself. Its not easy, but you can do it. BUT you will miss out on things, either work wise or child wise. If you go into it knowing that, but

Fuck ICE. Fuck everyone involved in this. Fuck Trump, fuck everyone who voted for him, and fuck anyone who is still supporting him. Fuck his whole disgusting family, and fuck every bloated white over-privileged person who somehow thinks this administration will benefit him.

Haha, that’s a weird side effect of cohabitation. I haven’t experienced that, but I also work with kids as an art therapist in a psych hospital, so my immune system is BOMB PROOF. The first year, I got sick all the time, and now I’m hardened.

I don’t know if teaching is going to be right, but I feel like it’s very

Honor and Haven? Good god those are terrible names. Good thing they were born rich. If they weren’t they’d be destined to a life of stripping and eventually giving $20 blowjobs to support their meth habit.

Jerry Moran and Mike Lee bailed on Trumpcare. It can’t pass now as-is.

I’m pregnant with my first child and am due in less than 5 weeks ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

It’s really offensive that you’re comparing Trump to Lucille. I mean, she is the evil, conniving, booze swilling, racist, out of touch poster child of the one percent, but she was competent (some might argue brilliant) when it came to her scheming and her taste was fabulous.

It’s Ed Sheeran. KILL HIM NOW!

A woman who butchered her husband, other children, and butchered thousands calling others traitors?

Can we just make her queen please.