
Kelly made me quit this stupid, tragical, godawful show. I have watched this iteration of the franchise since it’s inception and she has somehow managed to out-evil both Tamra and Vicki, narcissist’s wet dreams. There is something about her personality that just triggers me so I will be out until/unless she leaves.

One of my manuscripts is a semi-autobiographical account of my life, which has been surprisingly interesting thus far. It includes some ethnic studies/anthropological information, along with a good dose of drama. I’m hoping to become published soon. Thank you for asking <3

This is honestly the funniest thing I’ve read in months. I am in tears. This is truly a thing of beauty.

- What I’m writing about

I love it so much! I’ve gone with my bff and my husband (separately). It’s such a wonderfully relaxing workout. Next on our agenda is paddleboarding - we both really love the water.

Try to take things as they come and as long as he never provides evidence to the contrary, take him at face value. Initially when I met my husband I was so fragile that it took me a full three or four weeks to truly loosen up and give him a chance - thus far, he’s been the only person in my life who’s never really let

Yeah I figured as much but didn’t want to get someone telling me off for now knowing anyway. That’s pretty terrible, I hope she’s alright.

I would’ve straight out murdered my doc if that happened. Yeesh. Knowing nothing about possible complications from that surgery, that would surely have been hell. I can barely deal with my 4-5 day a month one as it is.

The day this news started breaking I texted my husband and bff with that AD quote. So much love.

Honestly I just had that conversation with my husband and we’re going to try for biological kids anyway, but it did make me lean towards adoption for a bit due to our respective family backgrounds. This is not to say that I judge you at all as I’m hoping you can tell I don’t, but more to reassure you that I completely

Goes with her human skin suit

LOL thank you kindly! I actually have a background in writing (and have lately lamented not writing for SNL because I think I could have been good at it had I had more ambition and started earlier) and am an aspiring author/writer.

Idk. I keep wavering because I have hoped that someone could convince him quietly to resign citing health issues or some other such nonsense, but seeing all evidence to the contrary, I’m wondering if it would take a trial and public humiliation to officially get rid of him. Although having to hire a team of lawyers to

At this point, the Repubs are probably circling the wagons to figure out if they want to save their own skins or save his. None of them have issued statements since all of this info is breaking too quickly for them to say or defend anything.

That is a thing of beauty.

That would honestly kill me. I’m so sorry. Stupid adult bodies. I want to return mine :(

I can’t eat anything with any kinds of nuts anymore, (both pea- and tree) and I’m avoiding coconut because I ate ice cream a few years ago with coconut milk in it and my mouth felt really strange and off. It suuuuuuucks. I miss real food.

I would too if I could still eat them. I think the only ones I’m not allergic to are Thin Mints and the lemon ones :(

Okay, I’ve definitely been studying way too hard because I read it as $200K worth of cookies and thought she had taken at least a full semi’s worth.

My Great Aunt met her long-term boyfriend well after she was 40. He was actually a great guy, and perfect for her too (he managed to humanize her, which if you knew her, is no easy task as she is a textbook Narcissist with quite possibly other mental/personality disorders to boot). And I my other Great Aunt