Wait, I don’t recall this anecdote. Didn’t he share this in a story? What happened?
Wait, I don’t recall this anecdote. Didn’t he share this in a story? What happened?
Reading, watching old eps of escapist tv shows (ty Amazon Prime) and sketching. Oh, and talking to my bff about stupid reality tv shows.
I’m not watching next season if Kelly’s back. And I’ve watched every season of that show since it began (yes I was obsessed). I can’t stand that witch.
It’s so weird to me that this season I’m actually liking Kyle. DAMN YOU EDEN AND DORIT!
You know, Boy George was campy and over the top with his bravado but he still doesn’t take himself so seriously. I would love to swap him for PK and Dorit. His admission of “oh I’m a nightmare” absolutely sold me.
I will take “And we’re through the looking glass for $5,000 Alex.”
I never read their comment section.
Hmmm, you know what they may not be a direct news source but they do offer pieces that are relevant.
My older baby (really mine, the puppy is essentially my husband’s) is in deep doo doo cause he accidentally caused me to get a tetanus shot this week. My arm is decidedly less sore than it was yesterday when I got it, but I’m still a bit annoyed. Grrrrr.
I usually skim the Atlantic and the New Yorker - if not entirely liberal leaning, they tend to at least support those kinds of ideas.
Anyone else procrastinating on their schoolwork right now?
I don’t know why right now but this is hitting me in the feels. And we will all miss everything about her.
I am terrified of how much I would embarrass myself if I ran into President Obama after he leaves office. Anyone else have this recurring fantasy in their heads too?
I’m thinking the latter - as a relatively well-read writer, you should know when something sounds a little too similar to someone else’s work. And with her research experience, it just seems like she has a really shifty track record.
It’s nice to see that she is being held to the exact same standards as high school and college students. Dear Lord.
I mean obviously this could happen anywhere but that it happened there put it over the top for me. And I know Drumpf fundraised there too.
Dear God - Greenwich, CT. Not surprising. Not surprising in the least. Yiiiiiikes.
it’s near “The Iraq”
What do you bet that he thinks it’s one country?
I can’t read this shit anymore. It’s seriously giving me a panic attack and just makes me sick. I hope his time doing whatever treats him and his family and his friends as poorly as he is treating everyone else.