
Yeah but you guys had snow fairly recently. We’re hoping to get something closer to a major city (for grad school for me and work for the husband) and then ideally a vacation home somewhere either with beach or snowboarding access. I just can’t deal with the cold for the sake of being cold business.

That’s really smart - good for you guys. Isn’t that what dogs do best though, destroy everything and make you feel special for spending so much on them.

Ugh I’m so sorry - I hate it when people hijack holidays for their own bs drama. I hope things clear up and that you are able to find peace and quiet. And who knows- maybe it’ll actually reach her.

Honestly, it’s the only way to live. I’m the same way, cept my college sweats wore out several years ago and I haven’t been able to replace them. So it’s jammies and undies or whatever’s most comfy for me once I’m home.

super tasty for the lazy at heart.

Merry Christmas to you too! I normally don’t get on Jez and talk about church, but we have really managed to find quite an accepting congregation, which has been wonderful. From my understanding of religion, Episcopalians in general seem to be the most accepting and it is absolutely lovely attending a church that

I love love love that show sfm. It’s amazing <3

That looks so amazing. I want some now nom nom nom

Ugh my grandmother used to pull that with us but now she’s decidedly less morbid (somehow not sure why). Hopefully your mom pulls out of it soon. Sorry you’re dealing with that, children shouldn’t have to.

I bought my husband plenty of gifts, but maybe the ones from Lacoste are the best - two pairs of sneakers and a wallet, among a few other items. He didn’t ask for those and probably has no idea that he’s getting them, but he needed a replacement wallet and has said that he wanted to replace his white sneakers for

Yep. I can’t wait til we move somewhere with snow - warm weather (or comparatively speaking) for the holidays just doesn’t fit. Plus, being away from my aunts and my Grandmother frankly sucks. I miss them all and my cousins and my bro.

I’ve done that before. Annually, I have to be told to dial it down for the dogs - I once spent $300 on my Lab (no longer with us, but I still miss her terribly) one Christmas and my father about had a stroke. Now we have two mini Aussies and my husband and I are trying to figure out how/when to stuff their stockings

Oh my god that is amazing. I want pictures of your doggy giving you RBF as y’all try to figure out the gift issue.

That is amazing! Oh my goodness - good luck! So exciting :)

I honestly live in pjs when I’m not in my work attire. That or underwear - I keep thinking that we’ll probably have to change when we get a nanny (my mother) once we start having kids, but that’ll be an adjustment for me.

LMAO I’m lazy as heck tonight (to be fair we’ve been deep cleaning for awhile) and we’re actually going to bake and have my rents come in late tomorrow night, but for now we’re just chillin’ and enjoying the company, no pressure and our peace.

Awww that’s awesome! Three years ago, we turned up at the service our church puts on and it definitely changed my husband’s mind about a lot of things. He was essentially agnostic when we first started dating, or close to it - a lapsed Catholic, and I was squashed by the conservatism where we first lived and couldn’t

Yay! We made a mad dash earlier for some decorating supplies - tape, scissors, and ribbon from Michaels. And a few last minute trinkets actually. I love them and have decided that ribbon is my new thing :)

I need to make this. I’m definitely buying some ramekins soon :) Looks delish.

I’m doing an absolutely horrendous job with wrapping presents this year. Normally I’m aces but this year they look godawful. I’m also watching Love Actually (shaddup) and attempting to eat this bootleg mac n’ cheese I made that has a tendency to disagree with the meds I’m coming off of (stupid sinus infection).