
If you really need to do this, you really need to consider getting a new battery. Or, if you happen to live in some place like Fairbanks Alaska then you already know to remove your battery and take it inside with you at night (along with your motor oil).


NSFW? Really? I work in a hospital.

Near as I can tell from digging around their website, this is a feature available to the "premium" accounts. Paid users. Not the freebie.

I haven't spent a lot of time around Lastpass, but when I go to their web page they want me to download and install their software. Great big "download" link. No "how to get started without downloading anything" link.

I'm a fan of Lastpass and other similar services, but I'm not a user of any of them.

You know you're in for a very special morning when your instructions are to show up with a specific number of standard wood pencils and a specific number of brand new blue books. Dope yourself up with motrin and excedrin ahead of time, because the wrist pain and hand cramps are going to be incredible.

Paraphrase, outline notes, and a mpdified Cornell style. My oldest is in high school now and the Cornell method and outline notes are tricks that I've passed along to her.


What blackout? Wikipedia looks 100% normal to me. I saw a couple of my favorite webcomics and fark.com were black today. I had no reason to look at wikipedia, but just did and it is fine. So, what blackout?


That Fozzie is AWD, not 4WD, and there is a big difference. Only in 1st & R does the transfer case split the torque 50/50. In higher gears, and remember the ODDS are that this is an automatic, the split is more like 90/10 UNLESS the driver had the sense to drop the tranny manually into low. Its a late 1st-gen '00/'01,



No, you didn't.

Nope. Not going to work like that. The dropbox-synced folder can have a .torrent file loaded to it from anywhere. You could be at work, on a different continent, anywhere, and push a .torrent file to your dropbox-synced folder and the file would show up where your torrent daemon would find it. Bam, file downloaded and

I'll wait and see how this is supposed to work. Right now, the absence of actual .torrent files will be a show stopper for me - and I mean that very literally. This will be "the day the music died".

I'll wait and see how this affects me, but right now I'm thinking "this really sucks".

So it frees TPB from being accused of hosting .torrent files.

Read the file name. 4E Players Handbook. Not Pathfinder.