when they come out against the group that they took $600k to speak to...then yes I agree.
when they come out against the group that they took $600k to speak to...then yes I agree.
I never understood why some women thinks it’s okay to feel up other women without permission just because they are women, themselves. Like they’ll just grab someone’s breast and think it’s all fun. I never did. And I’ve told off women who did that to me. (Mind you, I wasn’t brutal. Just a simple, “Don’t do that. Not…
Yes! Both Thomas-Alexandre Dumas and his son Alexandre Dumas had extremely interesting lives. Those would be awesome period pieces and I’d be the first in line for tickets!
Ice Cube: “Maybe we should have put a slave in Staight Outta Compton.” 5:00 mark.
Completely false. It gets you access. And access and meetings and “working with Oscar winner”, are what get movies made. Its what gets bad movies made and its what gets small movies made and purchased at film festivals. Sure starring in a picture that does booming at the box office means quite a bit, if you are white…
But this is how easy it is to drop yourself in the soup, people of color does not just refer to African Americans, that’s unconsciously making the same assumption that she did. She was, to some degree, using African American as a synonym for POC. There were Latinos (Del Toro and Isaacs) who were also surprise…
There is just no smooth way to express ‘women, and by women I want to make it clear that I’m including non-white women!!,’ especially in speech. Personally, I think it’s parsing words beyond belief to keep accusing women of not including other women when they use the word, ‘women.’ And I can’t even really imagine the…
*shrug* I still feel like you’re making an assumption about young dude’s personal values soley because you perceive them to not line up with yours.
My mother died at age 52 after a battle with mental illness, and everyone thought I was suppressing something when I so easily accepted her death (suicide). But she’s actually one of the people who taught me to accept death as a natural and even beautiful part of life, so I have to give her credit for giving me that…
I’m talking about the episode when they go to his cabin in the woods,and it’s a lovely cabin and a lovely wood and she can’t stand it for a couple of days . And somewhere near the end of the episode Carrie sees a lovely squirrel on a windows sill(I think) and starts screaming and screaming like there is a serial…
Exactly! You just got domestically abused Carrie, leaping into Bigs manipulative fuck boi arms is literally the last thing you need in your life. Sell those diamonds from the broken necklace the Russian gave you that you just shoved down your cleavage, and don't go back to New York at all! Move to fucking Rome and do…
Plus, can you stand to live for five minutes without a boyfriend, woman? Have you learned nothing? Were we supposed to swoon at that ending or roll our eyes? I never could tell but I think we were meant to swoon and that just really pissed me off — the perception of their own audience as having the maturity of a five…
Yes, this! Take your own damn self home miss Carrie lol wtf
Ugh, no, totally disagree, at least from my point of view. I thought it was completely gross that she ended up with Big, and that all the women, even Samantha, ended up tied to men. Ugh. Terrible, insulting, and a shitty message to many of the happily single women who made up the SATC audience.
And Lena! Don’t forget we love her/hate her/love her/hate her Lena Dunham!
This has been going on for years and years and years on Jez and I’m still not clear on it, why am I supposed to hate Anne Hathaway? I don’t get it.
Yeah, it’s inscrutable. Apparently Hathaway got kicked out of the Cool Kids Club and we missed the notice. How dare she stick up for someone?! I honestly think it has a lot more to do with this quote, where she kind of nails places like this right on the head: