
I always felt that they turn when they die- think back to Shane getting stabbed, he's dead, then turns; Dale, who is dying, but didn't actually pass until they killed/shot/put him down, was beginning to look like he was going to turn; we've seen many who died (Herschel, say) and appeared to be just corpses, only later

I was thinking this too. But the "one last kiss" thing made me assume, no, he's been bitten.

Zeek: Still 2:1, as again, Parenthood doesn't do "surprises" usually. He's old, he's having trouble recovering (or not, now that Super-Kristina showed up) but he could still keel over at anytime. I love C.P. Nelson on this show; too bad he's such a dick in real life.
Camille: 3:1.

I kind of like this idea too. I can see it being the sneakiest of the sneaky death pool ideas.

Agree with you. My money is still on Camille, and Zeek having to "get on with it" without her. Total Parenthood switcheroo.

Every story line now seems to me to end in death. "Next week"… Joel sees his wife's new BF playing B-ball with his family…and kills himself! Amber gets a new boyfriend- and Ryan arrives to murder-suicide them all!…Crosby rides on his motorcycle again…and gets smashed by a Mack truck…Zeek has a quiet moment of

Braverman DEATH POOL Odds:
Zeek: Still even money (1:1). Remember, this show doesn't exactly do "surprise" stuff. It's mostly long-time-coming things that simmer and then happen, exactly how you'd have expected it to. So, Zeek may still be our likely dead Braverman, sprinkled over a baseball diamond in the final scene

if by "shotgun wedding" you mean the shotgun Ryan will inevitably threaten his new wife with and then place in his own mouth for an exit, agree totally. Could see that happening.

dude, no way. I have an 8 going on 9 yr old daughter. Her "peers" on the bus have told her that if she doesn't wear a headband, she's not "cool". She wore a head band the next day and they all laughed and said "Only dorks wear headbands" (they no longer were). Another told her she'd like to "punch her in the mouth and

thought final season is only 10-14 episodes?

in the US, thanks to crooked govt assholes taking lobbyist $$$, we now consider "pizza" at school one of the vegetables that each lunch is required to have. Because, you know, canned tomato paste. So all of our improved health/wellness/Lets Move! changes have done surprisingly little to improve on the massive

yeah, agreed on this too. Said to my wife: Last scene, Zeek's ashes spread on the field, the whole (now reunited Joel/Julia, new baby and non-crazy Ryan, Hank and Sara, Haddie and her girlfriend, etc) family laughing and Adam standing quietly, staring at them all w/ moist eyes. And, scene!
(PS I know I've expressed

agreed and liked for the Camille note. My wife and I said the same thing last night.

what movie is this from? I wrote a song with this same title that I thought I was the creator of for a movie we made in high school in 1994 and am now thinking I "borrowed" it somehow subconsciously from something else without knowing. My existence is being self-doubted. Please reply. I feel awful about my life right

X:Files the Album is freaking rocking. I still have it on CD and still occasionally listen to it, as well. The REM/Burroughs track is sick. Soul Coughing song good. Filter song nice. Good album.

Hey, everyone, what about drive-ins? Does anyone agree we need to bring back drive-ins? Our last one on Long Island closed probably 15-20 years ago. I feel like the nostalgia element for our generation, with the teens and kids always loving the chance to get high/drunk in public with little repercussion, with the

if you people knew what they (and I do mean THEY, I would NEVER have anything like this done to another human) did to the popcorn machines/popper troughs upstairs at the multiplex when I worked there with a bunch of 15-21 yr old pothead/acid-freak dipshits in the 90's, you'd never even LOOK at popcorn again. For

My local AMC theater, for two tickets to see GUARDIANS last month, with my 9-yr old daughter: $31.50; popcorn for her only (small size): $6.50; Bottle of water: $4.00 (a 16-oz Aquafina). I snuck a Vitamin Water in from the deli (1.50). So to take my daughter to the MATINEE of the big summer movie cost us over 40

When I worked at a movie theater in the early-mid 90's, my boss used to say: "The only way we could make more money, is if we didn't have to show the movies." I think he said they made something like 5% of their entire net profit per year on the actual ticket sales and fees.
Incidentally, I worked from age 14-17 at the

Read this book in like, 2 days. It was awesome. If you like THE AMERICANS and know how to read, also, get this book.