
The one key keyboard is great because it looks so well produced. All the extra options lmao.

As someone who was just sorrrta into Borderlands, I cannot express how much of a delight this game has been. Everything about it from the fantasy setting, the dialog, the characters...I came in completely blind expecting it to be a decent time waster but man, I love it. I especially love how the game recognizes that

Boot the game up, hit start and watch the first cutscene lol. 

ever heard of “sky is blue, stop expecting it to be green?”
every form of media is a unique experience. the onus is on the person buying the product to have a modicum of research/knowledge of what they are plopping down their money for. do you go to a rock concert and walk out pissed because they didn’t sing opera? the

Has nothing to do with defending From Software and everything to do with knowing what you are getting into, taking a few moments to maybe do a little research before dropping cash on something that is KNOWN to be obtuse and then complaining about it. It’s like buying a racing game and heading to the forums to complain

Try reading my post again. 

If you needed to Google what a Tarnished is after the first two hours of the game, the problem might be you and your lack of attention. 

I’m so glad Souls games tell their stories on outside Wikis and youtube videos that I have to look up in my spare time instead of just being clearly, narratively presented in the game.”

PSA the dude trained for months with real boxing coaches, he’s at very least, more experienced than most. 



Dumber than fuck ^

“I’m going to reply by saying I won’t engage with you anymore.”

Dumb as fuck. K. 

Can vouch for Paradise Killer. It’s such a quirky, weird game but it’s really well done. If you are looking for something completely different with shades of Ace Attorney/Sherlock Holmes kind of investigation mechanics, give it a look. The setting and characters are jarring at first but it’s well written and really


Heh yeah, I’m calm and usually get the boss down to like 1/4 health and then I start getting anxious and rolling/trying to counter for no reason and I blow it haha. I’ll have full health and like 6 flasks too. That panic is strong. 

Lovely work. The key, along with memorizing any given bosses pattern is to stay calm which he’s clearly doing. I think we tend to get into a habit of trying to roll constantly and it just fucks you up. You can feel his calm/”only roll when necessary” approach and it’s awesome. Much harder to do in real life. 

Nobody said it was a lie. It’s a shitty thing to take someone’s battle/situation and say “yeah that’s a struggle but mine is REALLY a struggle...”. 

Loving all the speed run truthers.