If your mind is already a “little bit rape-y” and you need to make things sexual for literally no reason, sure.
If your mind is already a “little bit rape-y” and you need to make things sexual for literally no reason, sure.
Literally one of the best games I’ve ever played. Runs really well on console too. Action, building, strategy without the micromanagement becoming too overwhelming. Fantastic stuff.
Thank you.
Oh I get it, don’t worry. So do everyone else who have been visiting the site for the last nearly decade. My point is that the distinction is driven into the ground, every...single....time...
Not if you played it lol.
Every single time a writer posts “free” everyone knows what they mean and there is always at least 10 people to reply immediately afterwards to whine about it. Free isn’t free, you solved the puzzle. WE GET IT.
SMT III and SMT IV were not variants, they are main titles in the series and they were both 3rd person. So mainline 1st person SMT games then in your definition haven’t existed in 20+ years.
You literally get manual saving after you beat the boss in the tutorial.
“The other SMT games are (were?) first person dungeon crawls, is this one, too?”
I hear you, I just read “Nintendo’s first-party games are released with no glaring bugs” and immediately remembered about a half dozen from the last two years or so. I agree with you what you are saying though. Def. less than the norm.
I’m glad. I’ve committed more hours to Demons/Dark and Bloodborne than any other games. I hated Sekiro. I just could not jive with it and I tried numerous times to sit down and really dig into it. Stoked to see this is sorta leaning back toward the other titles.
This is great!
It was talked about in a separate article already.
So throw money at something you’ll be frustrated with. Enjoy,
Patience is a virtue.
Perfect fit as long as you aren’t wanting the game to run smoothly, look nice or control decently.
You mean pro wrestling.
Played this with my 11 year old last month, haven’t everlaughed together the way we did throughout this game with any other gaming experience. There are so many “oh shit!” moments packed into this gem, and the puzzles are just right, nothing too frustrating for younger kids or inexperienced gamers but not too boring…