
>>Libby says the way she feels about him is real...

>> I do feel that this goes back to the characters keeping secrets, whether they’re male or female, and in some cases, it can take years before a person is comfortable enough to share.

>>One of the things that makes Lost stand out is not everything needs to be clearly explained; it’s up to the viewer in a lot of instances to judge for themselves.

There’s a lot going on in “Three Minutes” besides the big reveals about the Others & Walt’s captivity.

SOS thoughts:

>>This is going to be a combo of S.O.S. and Two for the Road, mostly because I have more to say about the latter.

>>This time, I started to think that Cooper was the one who called Helen,

That episode was pure Hitchcock.  I loved it.

Aw, I personally think that LOST has great rewatch value.  It’s like a whole other show when you know what the end-game is.

Personally I don’t want show writers to know exactly where they’re going from the very beginning. Where’s the freshness in that? So they’re not allowed to listen to the audience and more importantly the show itself in determining what happens next? Fuck that. Christopher McQuarrie basically writes movies as he goes,

Or the season finales which were always fuckin’ bangers. Or when an hour episode zipped by in what seemed like 15 minutes. Like Ben Linus’ flashback episode where he was basically Indiana Jones. Or Locke opening a closet in the Hydra base and seeing his dad sitting there tied to a chair with a bag over his head. ‘Dad?’

Just that wonderful feeling you’d get when an episode would end with, say, a four-toed foot, and everyone would jump up and scream “WHAT? WHAT?” at each other.

Still my favorite show ever. It tried different things, took chances, stayed organic as it was being written, had a spectacular cast, listened to what the audience liked and didn’t like, and like it or not, it rewrote the rules on what serialized television could be. There have been endless attempts to create ‘the new

No, the dumb and wrong theory that everyone had was that the whole show took place in the afterlife and that they were dead all along. That, as stated, was dumb and wrong. No one was saying that the ending itself would take place in the afterlife.

Sorry, this admittedly makes me irrationally angry, but they were NOT dead the whole time. Everything that happened on the show actually happened, with the exception of the flash-sideways in season 6.

It really was. I had a blast putting together theories and talking with other people about it and watching it unfold and everything else. No other show has ever come close since.

Watching Lost as it aired was the best thing ever.

I always find it interesting that people think Lost is a show that dragged things out and went off the rails, because as someone who binge-watched the entire series instead of watching it live, the filler doesn’t really register as filler when you can just hop to the end to episode. The mysteries don’t feel dragged

I’ve read comments off and on that this episode mostly went “nowhere,” in the sense that the threads didn’t lead to much in the big-picture plot. For instance, Ana doesn’t get her war; Sun forgives Charlie when she finds out what he did, and even the guns kind of peter out as McGuffins. About the only element of

Yeah, I kind of dropped the ball on “the line.” This is a summary of what I was thinking.