I had health insurance via my wife. When we had a kid we decided she would go part time and so I needed to find a job that had health insurance. So I did
I had health insurance via my wife. When we had a kid we decided she would go part time and so I needed to find a job that had health insurance. So I did
There will doubtless be some of you who will also say that you don’t like sports bars, and love to chill alone at a normal bar on a weeknight quietly watching “the game” while those around you do whatever they’re doing, not bothering you.
Counterpoint: Sports bars are actually awful places to watch sports, and I routinely go to non-sports bars to watch sports in peace and quiet whilst eating food and drinking beer.
I Didn’t See One Nigga Crack A Smile.
It’s always been bad. Being the cousin of someone isn’t really a great metric for whether or not you should be a citizen. I have scum bag cousins in Italy. One is a professional criminal. By virtue of our blood relationship, does this make him a worthy applicant for immigration? No. Also, both Canada and Australia use…
OK - this is some fairly irresponsible reporting by Splinter. There are updates to this story since the CNN video, and you don’t even have to really seek them out. I’ve known more about this story without even looking for it for more than a month. The parents did eventually go to a treatment facility - the cop’s…
Almost everyone who migrated everywhere else has no expectation of bringing their parents. Also, you don’t have to not see them again. They just can’t become citizens based on your immigration. Of maybe 10 coworkers and friends who are around my age and first generation Americans, not a single one has their…
Actually it seems like you’re relying on a lot of really bad information as to what happened here - or a false narrative that’s being spread about it. Seems she’s in treatment, that the Holets are assisting her with it, are raising money for her, and are keeping a relationship with her which is beneficial for the…
You’re hysterical.
yeah, so this story isn’t the hill you want to die on here. That mother is a horrible human being. How awful that she felt “judged” by being told she was going to kill her baby... which is true by the way.
I really think she is a fundamentally honest and good person
Trump is a buffoon but c’mon, nobody outside of fox news criticized Obama, the rest of the news media and pop culture fellated him on a regular basis.
Chain migration refers to extended family. People bringing cousins they’ve never met or old parents who have never paid into any of the systems. His immigration plan has always included nuclear families (parents and kids) except for DACA because their parents shouldn’t be rewarded for creating this problem.
LOL. Oh the drama. Give it a rest.
Nah we are fine. Stop being such a god damn pussy.
Hope you didn’t pull a muscle with this lengthy reach.....
Ok. So worst case he is not hindering the reduction in black unemployment in anyway? There’s literally no bad news in that stat.
Just going out on a limb. Everything good that’s happened is in spite of trump and everything bad is bc of him. Got it.
I dont understand what was bad about his statement, and what is good about their reactions.
congressional black caucus is still a thing supposedly. i had to check to see who was a member and came across that that the majority of the members are under indictment for defrauding scholorships, tax payer extortion, paying off sexual accusers and just plain old tax fraud and 3 members where found guily in ‘17