

Any Goemon reference is a good reference 

I’m glad this is finally happening and looks like it’s going to be good. I’ve been watching Lupin III, since my Dad introduced me to the 70's anime in the late 90's as a kid :) I would have been happy with another special, but this is a very welcome alternative :P 

Agree that this is really well done. I normally just silently appreciate your photo’s, but this one really stands out for me. I swear this could be a CG render of a game

100% agree that choice was almost a no-brainer based on recent release dates. The grey area was why they decided to push on with current gen tech, but now that I’ve listened podcast (at least enough to get the answer I was seeking so far), their reasoning for sticking with current gen is also commendable.

This is good to hear. I think it’s an interesting window to be releasing in as well. It’s decidedly in that “Will they just wait for the next gen consoles?” time frame and I’m really glad they went ahead with current gen (getting it on PC anyway). I’ll need to listen to the podcast, but it would be interesting to hear

This is much more realistic. I have an M240 that dyno’d pretty much the same numbers. The C&D numbers seemed off

TBH, I’d probably pay for an infamous 2 remaster. 1 was good, but I feel like 2 was the peak of the series (in fairness, I never REALLY played second son. Just the DLC with the neon girl who’s name I forget). I really dug the atmosphere in 2 though. It was actually the first game I got platinum for. (Also I still have

Japan.....never stop Japaning

as an aside, I want to say this. Medabots and Megaman Battle network Gacha’s are huge missed opportunities.....(although I believe a Medabots one is coming based on news late last year)

Or just get an m240i with the same engine and a manual :/

These are J’s? Which ones? Don’t see the jumpman :/ 

I was THIS close to buying SOAP shoes when SA2 came out, lmao

These look great IRL and in game. This is how you do a shoe crossover promotion...unlike this SEGA...

This is at least 16 times better than the movie’s design. In fact, five him a propper beige belly, maybe some gloves and a more noteworthy white stripe on his shoes and I’d honestly be okay with it as a design for video game Sonic.

-Sonic nerd

*Checks Fridge*

Oh that’s even better, thank you kind person


Is there a source on the 2020 Western release?