
Ya I also was introduced with 3 and have played them all (including 1 and 2). 3 just....just wasn’t the rightgame to go off of for this :I ...

Oh Canadians are definitely close to a grand already. with our 13% service tax they’ll come in around $960 CAN

I’ll tell you know, you’ll probably mostly be impressed. NOtice how I say mostly. I was playing the beta last night as well, but i’ve been playing the KR version since launch. :) Have fun!

Lupin III is a real treat. If you’ve ever watched any Lupin you’ll be an instant fan. If not.....well you’ll still probably be an instant fan :) The quality is just tops. P.S. Try kissanime.to

You actually CAN hook it up to a pc with an app called TrinusVR. varying degrees of success. I’ve tried it and it works for the most part.

I’m also going to wait until an example is provided. I’ve never heard anything about this before.

Ah that’s a bummer. Really liked that aspect of BF :( If this title does have Land to Air (Space?) transitions, I guess that will be a huge selling point for it. Wonder how it will hold up against that Money mammoth Star Citizen’s single player mode....which luckily my hopes aren't that high for to begin with

uuuuntil the new battlefront launches. Amirite? Not knocking this game or anything, but I feel like EA is just going to have a lot more money to do a lot of the same thing in a universe that’s already globally loved and proven. That said I’ll probably give this a go on release (if I’m not caught of in BF...)

It still shocks me that people who say these things actually exist sometimes.....P.S. Before I’m berated as a “Pleb” I do in fact own an iPhone 6 as a work phone as well as android.

I wholly agree with this list, however in addition I also often get the vibes from Blood Blockade that I got from Space Dandy. What do you think?

Working in video and film production I feel their pain, but as you can probably tell, usually the end product is always worth the trials that you have to go through to get the footage you need :)

Did you update the driver? Both AMD and Nvidia released drivers specifically for GTA V

I’m going to echo what you’re saying. Had dual monitors before work replaced em with a 34UM95. I work with audio and video and some 3D modeling. having so much realestate for timelines and workspaces is a godsend.

I think you should really sit in front of one (at a store or otherwise). I used to have th eexact same mindset until work replaced my dual Dell u3011’s for a single 34um95. Now I do Video and Audio editing work so take what I say with a grain, but the now seamless workspace has been a god send.

How many times you Jalop used the BR-Z for April 1st now :/?

Pfft, forget when I get home from work. I've got my Vita and a stable wifi connection in my bag!

I really don't see how this couldn't just be done in a single documentary film. That said, I know how much probably goes into making a single title, so I'm not entirely against this

As much as I loved dissidia on my psp and now my vita, I really hope it's a ps4 port we get. That way there might be a "serious" competition community for it. Plus that looks like quite a bit more fidelity than the vita can handle at present :/

It actually looked as though they were sitting in the cafe from Catherine. Could be wrong though

One thing to understand about the Japanese market, is that graphics aren't Priority number #1 like in the west. They tend to focus more on ways to get gamers addicted to their games or plunged further within a series. And that's typically done through interesting gameplay over graphics. Plus they seem to have a