“Ten incredible games you need to wishlist right now, this is not an endorsement"
“Ten incredible games you need to wishlist right now, this is not an endorsement"
going “death con 3" on da jewwwwwwwwws
I’ve been waiting to play this on the day of the time change when it is suddenly dark at 5 p.m. and I will spend most of the next five months inside.
I think she's a neat character.
The fact that anyone cares is pathetic. It’s a video game made by a Japanese guy, what did you expect? The only thing controversial about this is why would anyone wear that in a warzone? Made absolutely no sense, but then again does anything in Japanese games?
Its a video game.
I have always taken issue with the discourse around Quiet which always just sounded to me like slut-shaming. Wanting a Resident Evil giantess to sit on you is perfectly cool but a woman existing in a bikini is Japanese perviness in full effect.
What if this was naked Chris Hemsworth?
Honestly, they could do a Grasshopper HD remaster collection with Lollipop, Shadows, and Killer is Dead and I’d be happy.
If the left wing has turned against protecting the rights of real women, what do you expect real women to do? Of course, some real women will accept help from wherever they can get it to stand up to a movement run and funded by white Western male billionaires.
If you remove male and female as categories you are killing women’s sport. Period. Do you think the fastest 5'5 women is going to compete with the fastest 5'5 man?
how about no...
He didn’t die, he killed himself. That’s very disingenuous of you to minimize his suicide in order to alleviate the weight of guilt from the person who caused it. Also the ‘corroboration’ you cite are protected tweets.
For anyone in need of support:
Just really awful.
Not sure if the screen shot is the 4 player battle mentioned in the article. But if it is that's a Steelix not an Onix.
I have followed Ilya for a while now on Instagram and is a big fan of his art. So this is fantastic news.
I’m down with that art style. Let ‘er rip!