
To be fair, "The United States would do better to cede decision-making authority to X" is true for pretty much any value of X.

Sometimes I really wish I could cook. Or that I had a personal chef.

Those . . . don't sound like vegetarians.

This is why - little known fact - tigers are actually safer pets than house cats.

"Bemused". "Bemusement". These words don't mean what you seem to think they do.

I just want them to get to the fireworks factory.

This is probably why every movie has looked terrible to me for quite a while now.

Throwing out the EU is a separate issue. I mean, it's another thing I don't like, but if they're going to throw out the EU (which, come on, is what they did - grabbing a character or two from it and throwing them in as some kind of fan-service does nothing to change that), I wish at least they had done something

I always wondered why people went to Australia.

I think it's a good point about the prequels perhaps appealing more to people who were steeped in '90s EU. I love the prequels - I mean, there are things about them that I don't like, but there are also lots of things that I do like. And I also was very much into the EU. I'd take 'flawed but interesting' over 'safe

Are you suggesting that Pepsi is not a food? That's what I was going to have for dinner!

DENTAL PLAN. Am I doing this right?

This is why I assume that every post here is some deep and subtle in-joke that I'm not in on.

'Mars' and 'bras' don't even rhyme. Silly Australians.

I mean, I don't have proof that the media's disproportionate coverage of Trump significantly increased his vote share. But I will stand by: a) the media did disproportionately cover him (I think there was a Harvard study that showed this pretty clearly, and also that coverage of him was actually more positive on

But the amount of news coverage, particularly during the primaries, was far out of proportion with his poll numbers. At a time when he was getting maybe thirty-something percent of the Republican vote, he was getting more like 90% of the coverage on cable news (because he was entertaining, and the cable outlets sell

Because free publicity sustained over many months has a greater effect than the coverage of any one particular gaffe or bad photo op.

1. Usually the bad publicity in those campaigns consists of the media pouncing on and overreacting to some specific event or events. In the case of Trump, they were just consistently far more interested in covering him than in covering any other candidate. I think that was a net positive for him.

"Imposter" is actually a pretty old variant spelling.

Um - it's also OK to read The New Yorker and not like sports.