
There's really no need to wonder how much of the 1977 Silmarillion can be attributed to Christopher vs. J.R.R. It's all laid out pretty clearly in the 12-volume The History of Middle-earth (plus Unfinished Tales).

My short list of works I wish had been finished:

I find it slightly amusing that Schubert's Unfinished Symphony is not the only unfinished symphony by Schubert.

A friend of mine was on this show. He got eliminated in the stupid second round, which was all luck and memory instead of geography.

Fun fact: For years, I didn't realize that Bono and Sunny Bono were different people.

I'm not sure what it means for a moral system to be "worth much". But I do think it's (a little bit) immoral to procreate. If that means my moral system isn't "worth much", fine, but I still think it's right.

I think you've got an is-ought disjunction there. The fact that it's not realistic to reverse genetic programming does not make that genetic programming right.

There's no 'almost' about it. If you procreate biologically instead of adopting one of the many children who need homes, you're being selfish and a bit arrogant too ('my genes are just so much better than those orphans' genes').

Yeah, I fail to see what's in any way notable about this. "A (non-famous) person saw a (widely released) movie and has a (reasonable) opinion about it!"

I came here to say that. Fonstad's work is far from perfect, but it's not as though this is the first time anyone has thought about this.

I'm just brilliant like that.

Except that I'm fairly sure he meant 'soul-baring'.

Well, I also prefer my translations to have the original text on the facing page, so maybe I'm just weird…

Yeah, equating it with dubbing may have been going too far, I'll admit.

No, don't wake the Sheeple!

Yeah, those ones aren't bad, I'll admit. And it was especially important that they do a good job for a film that has 'effects' in some of the intertitles.

"What would often have been done at the time" is not a very good standard to aim for, if you ask me. I mean, do we also want old films played at faster than their natural frame right (so that we can fit more showings in per day)?

Agreed. Replacing intertitles with translated substitutes is like dubbing. Just use subtitles!

Why is Thundercats not on this list? I demand answers!

No, only the good ones are by the Beatles.